Winter Weather Safety and Preparedness Campaign 2024:
The National Weather Service in Paducah, KY, will be promoting Winter Weather Safety and Preparedness during four different upcoming campaigns for each of the four states we serve. This is an opportunity to increase awareness and promote preparedness of winter weather hazards. The dates of the state campaigns are as follows:
Indiana: November 10-16
Missouri: November 4-8
Illinois: November 4-8
Kentucky: December 1-7
During these weeks, we will be sending out graphics on our social media platforms (Facebook & X/Twitter). The graphics we plan on sending every other day during the campaigns are in the tabs below. We will host a Facebook Live on Monday, November 4th at 7:00 p.m. CST to discuss winter weather safety and preparedness. Please Share/Retweet to share this knowledge with others.
Wind Chill
When wind chill values are dangerously low, stay inside as much as possible to avoid frostbite and hypothermia. If you must go outdoors, dress properly in warm layers, cover your extremities and limit your time in the cold weather.
The National Weather Service in Paducah KY issued cold weather advisories and extreme cold warnings when certain criteria are forecast. Be prepared if either is issued.
Pets need special attention during times of extreme weather. Remember that if it is too cold for you to be outside, it is too cold for them. If your pets must be outside, provide warm and dry shelter as well as plenty of food and fresh water.
Small animals seek warmth inside parked cars during cold weather. Be sure to check your vehicles before starting your engine!
Frostbite occurs when your skin/tissue freeze due to exposed to cold temperatures. It becomes progressively worse the longer your skin is exposed.
Understand the symptoms of the different degrees of frostbite. Take precautions during cold weather to avoid the serious impacts of frostbite.
When treating frostbite, refer to these tips. If frostbite is severe, it is best to seek medical attention. Since the skin becomes numb when frostbitten, it is difficult to know how severe your case might be. Look for any changes in skin color.
Hypothermia is a serious condition in which your body temperature drops below 95 degrees. When you body temperature is too low, it affects your brain, making you unable to think clearly or move well. Know the warning signs of hypothermia.
Hypothermia symptoms can begin gradually and people are not always aware of their condition. Confusion prevents self awareness of hypothermia as it alters your ability to understand the danger.
The best way to prevent hypothermia is to limit your time outdoors and dress appropriately for the cold and stay dry. Make sure your heat is working properly and check on the elderly and those living alone.
Winter Driving Prep
Winterizing your vehicle is an essential part of winter weather preparedness. Spending some time now to make sure your vehicle is in tip top shape, will go a long way to keeping you safe this winter season.
Make sure to check off these tips before venturing out during adverse winter weather conditions. Utilizing these tips will help ensure you are doing all you can to prepare for hazardous winter driving conditions, if you must travel.
Sometimes the first snowfall of the season, no matter how light, can cause major problems on the roadways, simply because we are not used to degraded road conditions. Use caution and be prepared for the first snows of the season.
Winter Driving Tips
Many winter weather related vehicle accidents are a result of a handful of bad driving habits or road conditions. Reducing your speed, making gentle movements and staying focused make a big difference in reducing accidents.
Here are a bunch of helpful tips when it comes to winter driving. Review these before heading out on snowy/icy roadways. Share this information with young or newly licensed drivers as well.
While we never plan on it, there may be a time when extreme winter weather becomes more than you can handle and you become stranded in a storm. Play it safe and use these tips if ever caught in this dangerous situation.
Indoor Winter Safety Tips
Many deaths during the winter season can be attributed to improper use of alternate heat sources, including carbon monoxide poisoning and fires. Always properly ventilate heat sources. Have working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your home.
There are several things you can do to prepare yourself for the winter season, from having your home stocked with supplies, to keeping your vehicle topped off on gas to knowing what to do to keep your pipes from freezing. Review these tips to keep you safe.
Everyone deals with the aftermath of a winter storm differently. Some stay home and wait for conditions to improve. Many go out to shovel or clean up their yard. Whatever you do, always be aware of the hidden aftermath dangers of winter storms.
En Español
A medida que se acerca el invierno, hay pasos que puede seguir para preparar su hogar para el tiempo frío que se avecina. Obtenga más información ene que un puente esté helado, ¡REDUCE TU VELOCIDAD! Y hazlo antes de cruzar el puente - frenar sobre hielo es peligroso.
Si nota que alguien muestra signos de hipotermia, llévelo a un lugar cálido inmediatamente. Protéjase del frío este invierno en
Abrigándose en capas y manteniéndose seco es una de las mejores cosas que puede hacer para mantenerse seguro este invierno. Protégete del frío este invierno.
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