National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


An upper level wave intensified as it moved into the the Ohio Valley region. Temperatures had already fallen well below freezing ahead of it, due to a cold front sweeping through the region the day before. Dry air in the low levels quickly saturated and snow rapidly developed during the early to mid morning on January 6th. Temperatures in the upper teens to lower 20s allowed snow ratios to be higher than normal, resulting in a dry fluffy snow. These cold temperatures also allowed snow to quickly accumulate on all surfaces including area roads. Shortly after 8 AM, nearly 25 semi trailers were reported off the road along I-55 in New Madrid County, Missouri. Snowfall rates of 1 inch per hour occurred across western Kentucky during the morning and early afternoon. The snow ended from west to east through the afternoon, exiting our far eastern counties by 5 PM.
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