National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


...2018 Winter Weather Awareness Campaigns....


The following are the dates of this year's Winter Weather Awareness Campaigns in our region:

2018 Winter Awareness Campaigns
 INDIANA       NOV. 11-17
 ILLINOIS      NOV. 11-17


For more information about your state's campaign, please visit your state's winter weather awareness webpage. The Paducah National Weather Service office covers parts of four states. You can visit the winter awareness webpages for INDIANA  MISSOURI and ILLINOIS now. The Kentucky winter awareness webpage will be available at a later date.

Indiana will cover a different safety topic each day. Click on a day for the text of that day's statement.

  • Sunday - Overview
  • Monday - Winter Outlook, Typical Winter Weather and Threats
  • Tuesday - Winter Weather Travel Safety
  • Wednesday - Safety Considerations for Schools
  • Thursday - Winter Safety Plans
  • Friday - Outdoor Safety during Winter
  • Saturday - Summary

The National Weather Service office in Paducah will post informational graphics on social media during the Winter Weather Awareness Campaigns for each state.

Our region is at risk for extreme winter weather due to its vulnerability to Arctic air masses from the north and the proximity of very moist air from the Gulf of America. Such interactions bring major winter storms. A couple of the biggest winter storms in recent memory include the record December 23, 2004 snowstorm and the Ice Storm of January, 2009.