National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
Planning, Programming, and Coordination (PPC) Group
Program Execution

RFC Development
Theme team process / statuses

RFC Development – The River Forecast Center (RFC) Development Management (RDM) component of the Office of Hydrologic Development (OHD) is responsible for managing and prioritizing science and software development among RFCs to ensure the efficient and economical use of NWS resources to support the Hydrologic Services Program. The RFC Development manager coordinates with the Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services' Hydrologic Services Division (OCWWS-HSD), the Regional Hydrologic Service organizations, the OHD Hydrology Laboratory, and the RFCs to manage RFC development. Information on the RDM program is found on the RDM website.

Theme teams – The Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service (AHPS) Theme Teams develop theme-specific work plans for the development/implementation of AHPS services for a given fiscal year. Plans are based on an assessment of what tasks need to be completed to satisfy AHPS theme area requirements. Theme teams provide a prioritized list of projects targeted to different budget levels for a fiscal year. The background documentation and resources available for the theme teams can be found here on the RDM website.

HOSIP – The Hydrologic Operations and Service Improvement Process (HOSIP) is OHD's adaptation of the NWS Operations and Service Improvement Process (OSIP). OSIP is NWS implementation of the NOAA-mandated requirements management process.

HOSIP supports all of OHD's Hydrology Laboratory requirement-based research and development and facilitates the research-to-operations path. The HOSIP website serves as a dynamic online repository of HOSIP-related documents.