National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


AFB            Air Force Base

AFOS           Automation of Field Operations and Services

AVN            AViatioN (model), global spectral model that forecasts out 

               to 72 hours

AWIPS          Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System

CAC            Climate Analysis Center

cfs            cubic feet per second

CLIPER         CLImate and PERsistence hurricane tracking model

COE            U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

CWA            County Warning Area

DNR            Department of Natural Resources

EDT            eastern daylight time

EMA            Emergency Management Agency

EOC            Emergency Operations Center

Eta            Eta model, Western Hemisphere (northern portion) out 

               to 48 hours

FEMA           Federal Emergency Management Agency

FFA            Flash Flood Watch

FFW            Flash Flood Warning

FLS            Flood Statement

FLW            Flood Warning

FS             Flood Stage

GOES           Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite

HAS            Hydrometeorological Analysis and Support

HDRAIN         hourly digital rainfall product (WSR-88D Stage I 

               Precipitation Processing)

HSA            Hydrologic Service Area

IFP            Interactive Forecast Program

LARC           Limited Automatic Remote Collector

mb             millibar

MIC            Meteorologist in Charge

mph            miles per hour

NAWAS          National Attack Warning System

NCCF           NOAA Central Computer Facility

NCDC           National Climatic Data Center

NEXRAD         Next Generation Weather Radar

NHC            National Hurricane Center

NHC90          statistical dynamic model that uses output from the 

               AVN as predictors 

NMC            National Meteorological Center

NOAA           National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NWR            NOAA Weather Radio

NWS            National Weather Service

NWSFO          NEXRAD Weather Service Forecast Office

NWSRFS         National Weather Service River Forecast System

NWWS           NOAA Weather Wire Service

OAR            Office of Atmospheric Research

prog           prognostication chart

PUP            Principle User Processors (WSR-88D)

QPF            Quantitative Precipitation Forecast

RAFS           Regional Analysis and Forecast System

RFC            River Forecast Center

RJE            remote job entry

RVS            River Statement

SERFC          Southeast River Forecast Center

SH             Service Hydrologists

SID            site identification

UGC            Universal Generic Code   

USGS           U.S. Geological Survey

UTC            Universal Coordinated Time

WCM            Warning Coordination Meteorologist

WFB            Weather Forecast Branch

WFO            Weather Forecast Office

WSFO           Weather Service Forecast Office

WSO            Weather Service Office

WSR-88D        Weather Surveillance Radar-1988 Doppler

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