National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Annual Hydrology Program Science Conference
August 8-11, 2000

Tuesday, August 8

8:00 Opening Comments - George Smith

8:15 Review of Action Items from last HSD/HIC/DOH meeting

9:00 RFC Priorities, perspectives and experiences


12:00 Lunch

1:00 RFC Priorities, perspectives and experiences


4:30 Future coordination of RFC development - Page

5:00 Adjourn

6:30 Social Evening at George Smith's place (rain date - August 9)

Wednesday, August 9

8:00 AHPS Priorities for FY2000, FY2001 and beyond - Ingram

9:00 AHPS Science Issues - Schaake

  • ESP Preprocessor
  • ESP Postprocessor
  • Reservoir inflow and outflow forecasts with uncertainty
  • Ensemble prediction for large river systems
  • Products for users
  • How to reduce operations work load
  • Historical data issues

9:30 Development of a Hydrology Program Science Strategy - Schaake

10:00 Break

10:15 Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting

  • QPF Plan - Graziano
  • HRL - Schaake
  • HPC - TBD
  • CPC - TBD
  • EMC - Mitchell/Toth/Tracton

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Quantitative Precipitation Estimation - Fulton

  • WSR-88D PPS
  • RFC-Wide MPE

2:45 Break

3:00 Hydrologic Modeling - Smith

  • Distributed modeling / DMIP
  • Synthetic UH - linear routing - Muskingum Cunge operation
  • A priori parameter estimation
  • Reformulated SAC Potential evaporation issues
  • GIS calibration system
  • Frozen ground
  • Hydrograph separation analyses
  • Diagnostic water budget analyses

5:00 Adjourn

Thursday, August 10

8:00 Hydrologic Forecasting - Smith/Schaake

  • Data assimilation / operational state variable updating
  • ESP Post Processor (Error Model)

9:00 Flash Flood and Site Specific - Smith/Welles

  • WHFS Site specific
  • Computation of FFG
  • FF Potential

10:00 Break

10:15 River Mechanics - Sylvestre

GIS applications
  • Flood plain mapping
  • Cross Section Utility
  • Dam Catalog
FLDWAV enhancements
  • Sediment transport
  • Pollutant transport
Modeling Improvements
  • Seasonal Manning's n
  • Effect of ice on flood flows
  • Modeling wide Floodplains
Calibration tools
  • FLDWAV Analysis Tool

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Training - Helble

  • Basic hydrology course for WFO
  • Additional OH workshops
  • Other training needs

2:30 Break

2:45 Hydrologic Data - Bonnin

  • Missing daily observation time estimates
  • Historical precipitation analyses / data
  • Automatic consistency analyses
  • Historical data QC
  • Standard archive database
  • Coordination of RFC and WFO databases

Friday, August 11

8:00 Operations

  • Visualization tools
  • Monitoring tools
  • Data issues, including QC
  • Verification
  • Operational mods and effect on ESP runs
  • Hydrologic day definition
  • Product dissemination

10:00 Break

10:15 Collaboration with NCEP - Schaake/Mitchell

  • Land surface modeling
  • Land Data Assimilation System (LDAS)
  • Ensemble forecast applications
  • Short term QPF and PQPF
  • Precipitation data, analysis and QC

11:00 Review of Action Items and strategy for future scientific development

12:00 Adjourn

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