National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Precipitation Processing System Documentation

Decoding DPA Products:

  • DPA Product Format
    • RPG Build 6 (same as Build 5) (Word) (PDF )
    • RPG Build 7 (same as Build 5) (Word) (PDF)
    • RPG Build 8 (Word) (PDF)

MPE/DQC (Multisensor Precipitation Estimator/DailyQualityControl)

OFSDE Documentation - see OHD's OFSDE web page

RadClim User's Guide, OB5 (Word)

WSR-88D Polar to HRAP Mapping (PDF)

XMRG Documentation (PDF )

Precipitation Post-Analysis Operations Guide, OB6 ( Word )

User's Manuals and On-line Documentation

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