To be presented at ASCE Conference 1996 International Conference on Natural Disaster Reduction Washington, D.C. December 1996 A Verification System for Probabilistic Hydrograph ForecastsEdwin Welles Momcilo Markus Office of Hydrology NOAA/National Weather Service 1325 East-West Highway Silver Spring, Maryland 20910
IntroductionMany water resource managers depend upon National Weather Service (NWS) long- lead river flow forecasts to make planning decisions. These forecasts, ranging from a week to several months into the future, are generated using the Extended Streamflow Prediction (ESP) technique. As a part of the Water Resources Forecasting System (WARFS) initiative, the NWS is enhancing these ESP forecasts.
The ESP Forecasting TechniqueThe ESP system produces probabilistic forecasts through a statistical analysis of an ensemble of model generated possible future runoff time series. These possible runoff time series are computed using historically observed precipitation and temperature time series as input to hydrologic models which are initialized with the current states of the hydrologic system. It is assumed that the input time series for ESP forecasts are the result of stochastic processes, with previous time periods being realizations of those processes.
Verification of ESP ProductsOne of the enhancements to ESP forecasts that WARFS will provide is a forecast verification system. The results of the statistical analysis performed for the forecast verifications will be provided as an ESP forecast product. These verification statistics will assist users with the difficult task of integrating multiple data sources into a single decision. Forecast verification data will lead to more effective resource management and more effective natural disaster mitigation.
Verification SystemThe first step in the verification process is to compute forecasts using historical data. Because the input processes are assumed stochastic, the years which occur after a year of interest may be considered possible input time series for that earlier year. The ESP verification system will access the parametric information that is used for ESP forecasts in the NWSRFS. With the verification information forecasters will be able to compare the quality of ESP forecasts at different forecast points across their forecast area, and focus improvement efforts, such as model recalibrations, in those areas which appear to be the weakest. Results of the verification will be displayed via the ESP Analysis and Display Program (ESPADP), another software development effort under way as a WARFS activity. ESPADP will read the traces and apply various verification tests that users will select interactively. Verification results will then be written back to the NWSRFS parametric data bases for display when ESP forecasts are made. Figure 1 is a simple schematic description of the system.
Verification TestsProbabilistic forecasts cannot be tested in the same manner as deterministic forecast because there is no single forecast value that can be compared to the observations. Various verification tests have been recommended by different users. (Day, 1992). Some ideas for improving verification include:
SummaryAn enhanced set of statistical tests for ESP accuracy will be incorporated into the NWSRFS. Through a graphical interface within ESPADP, the tests will become easy-to- use and available in the every-day practice of the River Forecast Centers. The results of the verification system will contribute to efforts to reduce the damage caused by natural disasters, in particular floods and droughts.
ReferencesDay, G.N., Brazil, L., McCarthy C.S., and Laurine, D.P., Verification of the National Weather Service Extended Streamflow Prediction Procedure, 28th Conference and Symposium on Managing Water Resources During Global Change, Reno, Nevada, November 1992.
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