National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

NWSRFS User Manual Documentation - Unix tar file Install Readme

The NWSRFS User Manual Documentation Unix tar file contains all documents 
as of Release 82.

To install the documents:
   1. Rename the old files.

   3. Download the file xrfsdoc.tar.Z.
   3. Move the xrfsdoc.tar.Z file to the directory where the files are 
      to be stored and expand the file (it will be about 185 MB). Make  
      sure you have write permissions in the directories to which you 
      are going to expand the file. You may want to change the 
      ownership of the files after they are expanded.
      Expand the file using:
         zcat xrfsdoc.tar.Z | tar xvf -

   4. Move the file rfsdoc_index.txt to the directory defined by the 
      Apps_defaults token rfs_doc. This file contains the NWSRFS 
      User Manual documentation outline in ASCII text format and 
      is read by the script rfsdoc_index.

   5. Move the file rfsdoc_index.scr to the directory defined by the 
      Apps_defaults token ofs_scripts and rename to rfsdoc_index. This 
      script reads the file rfsdoc_index.txt.
All of the documents are available in WordPerfect format and some are in
HyperText Markup Language format.

To access the documents in the Internet browser, set the file location 
as follows:

   - for WordPerfect format:

   - for Adobe Acrobat format:

   - for HyperText Markup Language format:
   where ?dirname? is the name of the directory were the documentation 
                   files were stored in installation step 4
The files xrfsdocwpd.php, xrfsdocpdf.php and xrfsdochtm.php reference 
3 gif files in the directory 'cbimag' that are not included. These files 
are used to link back to the HL Home page and are not needed if running on 
a local system.

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