National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


Office Tour

Available for: middle school aged and up
Time of year: Year round
Length of time: 1 - 1 ½ hours
Office tours start with familiarization of who the NWS is, and what we do.  Time is then spent out in the operations area, showing the computer systems, satellite, radar data and computer weather models.  You can see how we do our job.  Finally, if the tour is timed right, we conclude with watching the weather balloon being released. 
Job Shadow

Available for: High School and College
Time of year: Year round
Length of time: 1 to 3 hours
In addition to a general office tour, you will sit down with operational meteorologists to watch and discuss how they do their jobs; the tools they use, the duties and tasks they are responsible for, and learn about the different programs the office is responsible for (fire weather, aviation, hydrology, climate, etc.). This will provide a taste of what a job in the National Weather Service entails and provides the best exposure to a NWS meteorologist.
Student Volunteer

Available for: College Students
Paid: No
Time of year: Summer
Length of time: 2 to 3 months
Student volunteers work approximately 16 hours a week (flexible schedule). The students will have the opportunity to work beside operational meteorologists shadowing and learning more in depth about the NWS and responsibilities while on shift. You will learn how to perform tasks, give insight on the forecast, provide weather discussions to the office, and potentially visit equipment sites, participate in outreach events or attend meetings. You can also work on a small office project, whether it be a case study, climate study, verification or work on an after action review.
Some students can receive academic credit for their work here. It is up to your department and academic advisor to decide. We accept applications from prospective volunteers during January and February, and make a selection in March. We may conduct a telephone interview as part of the selection process.
We look for students who have completed at least some basic courses in any of the following: meteorology, hydrology, atmospheric science, climatology, computer programming, etc. If you would like to apply, please send your resume and transcript (unofficial is fine), including courses you are currently enrolled in to Any questions can be sent to that email as well.
Meteorologist Pathways Internship

Available for: Upperclassmen undergraduate and graduate college students
Paid: Yes
Time of year: Summer
Length of time: Aproximately 3 months (longer in some cases)
Pathways Internships are sometimes offered in Spokane. The internship is a national opportunity that is available for qualified students currently in their (typically) junior or senior year of school or in graduate school. You must have proof of enrollment for the following semester to be eligible for this opportunity. Pathways students work full time (approximately 40 hours per week). This opportunity is typically offered during the summer and usually covers the period from mid May through mid August.
As a Pathways Student Intern, you will have the opportunity to work at a NWS forecast office and see how forecasts are prepared in addition to the other routine tasks of an operational meteorologist. Training shifts for specific forecast tasks will be set up, including public forecast, aviation, hydrology, fire weather, severe weather. Efforts will be made to visit equipment sites, participate in outreach events or attend meetings. You will also work on a research project, such as a case study, climate study or verification.
Meteorologist Pathways Internships are announced via USAJobs website. Questions about this opportunity can be sent via email to