National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
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Historical Hoopfest Weather

Data compiled by the National Weather Service in Spokane. All times are PDT. All data recorded at the Spokane International Airport.


June 30 & July 1, 1990


June 30          High    83

                       Low     62                    


July 1             High    82      

                       Low     55


The first Hoopfest featured nearly perfect early summer weather conditions, with the basketball played under mostly sunny skies and temperatures topping out in the lower 80s.


June 29 & 30, 1991


June 29          High    65

                       Low     52

                       Precipitation 0.37 Inches


June 30          High    69      

                       Low     50

                       Precipitation 0.07 Inches


In sharp contrast to the initial season of Hoopfest, both days of this year’s Hoopfest featured weather more typical of Bloomsday.  A thunderstorm brought heavy rainfall to the area late Friday night and early Saturday morning, leaving behind wet courts to start the day off, along with cool temperatures.  The day remained cloudy with more showers to contend with in the afternoon.   Another thunderstorm moved through Spokane Saturday night between 9 pm and midnight.  Sunday was a cloudy and cool day with a few light showers in the afternoon.  It was windy however, with a southwest wind blowing at 20 mph and gusty.


June 27 & 28, 1992


June 27          High    93

                       Low     65


June 28          High    92      

                       Low     63

                       Precipitation 0.04 Inches


After a cool and wet Hoopfest in 1991, the 1992 was just the opposite.  Hoopfest begin on Saturday morning with Spokane in the grips of an unusual June heat wave.  Just a few days before the beginning of Hoopfest Spokane set an all-time record high for the month of June when the temperature hit 101 degrees on June 23.  This hot weather pattern continued right on through the Hoopfest weekend.  Saturday was hot and sunny, though the high of 93 may have felt better to many considering the hot temperatures of the days before.  Sunday, while just about as hot, saw in increase in cloud cover ahead of a strong frontal system to end the month.  By 3 pm thunderstorms moved into the city lasting through the evening.


June 26 & 27, 1993


June 26          High    90

                       Low     55

                       Precipitation 0.04


June 27          High    69      

                       Low     52


Saturday saw hot temperatures and full sunshine ahead of a frontal system moving into the city.  Late Saturday evening thunderstorms moved through downtown.  Fortunately the rain fell overnight and by Sunday morning only high elevation clouds were observed.  Temperatures were much cooler on Sunday, down over 20 degrees from Saturday’s hot readings.


June 25 & 26, 1994


June 25          High    86

                       Low     45

                       Precipitation Trace


June 26          High    65

                       Low     49

                       Precipitation 0.25 Inches


The 1994 edition of Hoopfest saw weather conditions quite similar to the preceding year.  Saturday was a warm and sunny day with almost no wind.  A frontal system brought widespread showers to the city early Sunday morning.  Fortunately most of the precipitation ended by 5 am.  Sunday was a cool, cloudy and very windy final day of Hoopfest.  Winds blew from the southwest at 20 to 25 mph with gusts over 30 mph.


June 24 & 25, 1995


June 23          High    80

                       Low     51


June 24          High    85      

                       Low     54


Uneventful weather marked this year’s Hoopfest, with cool mornings and warm afternoons under light winds and almost full sunshine.


June 29 & 30, 1996


June 29          High    72

                       Low     44


June 30          High    80      

                       Low     49


Similar to last year’s Hoopfest, but with cooler temperatures.  Both days were played under full sunshine.  Many would call this the perfect Hoopfest weather weekend.


June 28 & 29, 1997


June 28          High    78

                       Low     44

                       Precipitation 0.01


June 29          High    68      

                       Low     52

                       Precipitation Trace


Another sunny Hoopfest day on Saturday with temperatures right at average that afternoon.  Increasing clouds Saturday night with a brief shower near midnight.  Cooler on Sunday under cloudy skies and southwest winds 10 to 20 mph.


June 27 & 28, 1998


June 27          High    73

                       Low     47


June 28          High    82      

                       Low     48


Partly cloudy and cool on Saturday, followed by warmer temperatures in the lower 80s under mostly sunny skies for Sunday.


June 26 & 27, 1999


June 26          High    64

                       Low     44


June 27          High    70      

                       Low     45


What a difference a day makes!  Had Hoopfest been one day sooner then a true washout would have occurred, as Friday was a wet day with 0.85 inches of rain.  Fortunately the weather system responsible for the wet weather moved on and Saturday, while unseasonably cool was dry.  Sunday saw another cool day with partly cloudy skies.


June 24 & 25, 2000


June 24          High    74

                       Low     52

                       Precipitation Trace


June 25          High    77      

                       Low     49


Saturday featured mostly cloudy skies and seasonable cool temperatures.  A brief shower or sprinkles moved across the area in the afternoon, leaving only trace amounts of rainfall.  Similar temperatures occurred on Sunday but with much more sunshine.


June 23 & 24, 2001


June 23          High    73

                       Low     57


June 24          High    66      

                       Low     48

                       Precipitation 0.02 Inches


This was another cool Hoopfest.  Saturday saw temperatures in the lower 70s under partly cloudy skies.    Sunday was cooler still with cloudy skies.  Light showers moved into the area by late Sunday afternoon.


June 29 & 30, 2002


June 29          High    72

                       Low     50

                       Precipitation 0.27 Inches


June 29          High    71      

                       Low     47


Yet another cooler-than-average Hoopfest.  After several hot days right before Hoopfest, temperatures cooled off right in time for the weekend.  The frontal system responsible for the cooler weather also brought with it a period of rain Friday night and Saturday morning.  But as has been the case in several past Hoopfests, the rain ended right at 5am Saturday morning, leaving behind cloudy, cool and windy weather for Saturday, but fortunately no rain!  Sunday was a cool day under mostly sunny skies.


June 28 & 29, 2003


June 28          High    88

                       Low     55


June 29          High    93      

                       Low     57


The streak of cool temperatures on Hoopfest ended in an abrupt manner for the 2003 Hoopfest.  Saturday was a hot and sunny day more typical of July.  Sunday was even hotter, with blistering temperatures in the 90s.  The high temperature of 93 tied 1992 for the hottest Hoopfest temperature, which would later be broken in 2008.


June 26 & 27, 2004


June 26          High    78

                       Low     62

                       Precipitation Trace (Thunderstorms)


June 27          High    81      

                       Low     57


Thunderstorms were the main concern for Hoopfest on Saturday.  By late Saturday morning, thunder and lightning was observed very close to downtown.  One thunderstorm brought a brief downpour to the event around lunchtime, but fortunately the heaviest rain from this thunderstorm moved just north of downtown.  The storms decreased by afternoon, leaving the rest of Hoopfest dry with seasonable temperatures, though a little bit on the muggy side for Spokane.


 June 25 & 26, 2005


June 25          High   79

                       Low    57


June 26          High   80      

                       Low    54


Ideal weather conditions greeted this year's participants, with mild temperatures and some high clouds both days. The 2 days after Hoopfest were markedly different. Both had around a third of an inch of rain with temperatures only in the mid 60s.


June 24 & 25, 2006


June 24          High   84

                       Low    50


June 25          High   90      

                       Low    57


Warm temperatures on Saturday gave way to hot readings on Sunday. Hoopfest players and spectators were treated to abundant sunshine on both days.


June 30 & July 1, 2007


June 30          High    73

                       Low    51


July 1             High    82      

                       Low     51


Hoopfest dodged a weather bullet in 2007. On the Friday before the start of Hoopfest, strong thunderstorms rumbled through the Spokane metro area bring rain, hail, damaging winds and lightning. But the storms moved out of the area by late afternoon, allowing the final preparations to be made for the weekend's activities. Weather on Saturday and Sunday was ideal, with only some high clouds and light winds.


June 28 & 29, 2008


June 28          High   92

                       Low    58


June 29          High   97      

                       Low   64


The 2008 edition of Hoopfest easily goes down as the hottest Hoopfest yet. The previous record hot Hoopfest was 93 degrees in 2003 and 1992. The Saturday 2008 reading of 92 came close, but the Sunday high of 97 shattered the old records. While this was the hottest Hoopfest temperature (i.e. since its inception in 1990), there have been highs as hot as 102 degrees during the late June/1st of July period (see records at the top of this page). In 2008, winds were light and skies were mostly sunny so there was little in the way of relief from the hot weather.


June 27 & 28, 2009


June 27          High   79

                       Low    49


June 28          High   81      

                       Low    55


Unlike the hot weather in 2008, the Hoopfest of 2009 was held in just about perfect conditions. Temperatures were around 80 both days under sunny skies. Sunday even had a nice breeze to keep things from getting too warm.


June 26 & 27, 2010


June 26          High   79

                       Low    55


June 27          High   79       

                       Low    52


A virtual repeat of 2009, Hoopfest 2010 had ideal weather for outdoor recreation. Temperatures were around 80 both days under mostly sunny skies. The winds did kick up a bit both afternoons.


June 25 & 26, 2011


June 25            High 67

                         Low 43


June 26            High 73 

                         Low 43


Hoopfest 2011 was cooler than the previous year with the high temperature about 9 degrees below normal on the 25th warming to only 4 degrees below normal on the 26th. Clouds were minimal throughout the day on the 26th with a southwest wind to 10 mph. The 27th was sunny with even lighter wind.


June 30 & July 1, 2012


June 30             High 78

                          Low 60

                          Precipitation: Trace


July 1                 High 78 

                          Low 59

                          Precipitation: Trace


At first glance, Hoopfest 2012 was held under near-ideal weather conditions. The high temperature of 78 on both days was within 1 degree of normal readings for this time of year. The morning low temperatures were rather mild. But the unusual part was the humidity, which was rather high for our area. Dewpoints were in the mid-50s both days. Skies were mostly cloudy, with a few sprinkles, but not enough to cause any impact to the games.


June 29 & 30, 2013


June 29             High 76

                          Low 62

                          Precipitation: 0.06


June 30             High 91 

                          Low 59

                          Precipitation: 0.00


Saturday, June 29th started out as a very cloudy day with thunderstorms in the area and high high dewpoints indicating a significant amount of moisture in the air. The cloud cover and showers kept temperatures down. The next day on Sunday, saw drier and much warmer conditions and partly cloudy skies which helped temperatures recover back to around 90 degrees by Sunday afternoon..


June 28 & 29, 2014


June 28              High 72

                           Low 52


June 29              High 71 

                           Low 50


Wet thunderstorms moved through Spokane on Friday evening bringing a quarter inch of rain to downtown. While this rain played havoc with evening court preparation activities, the weather for the games was much drier.  Saturday morning started with low overcast skies, but the sun broke through later in the day. Temperatures were mild but it was rather windy. Sunday saw a little more sunshine but it continued to be breezy.


June 27 & 28, 2015


June 27              High 102

                           Low 68


June 28              High 105 

                           Low 73


Hoopfest 2015 took place in the midst of the warmest June on record for northeast Washington and the North Idaho Panhandle and right in the middle of a historic heatwave from the 26th through the 30th. Spokane International Airport recorded temperatures of 102 and 105 respectively, both of which were daily records. The 105 degree temperature at the airport was also a record high for the entire month of June as well. Temperatures at Spokane Felts Field were even a couple of degrees higher than that.


June 25 & 26, 2016


June 25              High 73

                           Low 47


June 26              High 82 

                           Low 53


Hoopfest 2016 was significantly cooler than the previous year with temperatures slightly below normal for Saturday and slightly above normal for Sunday. Some rainfall was recorded on Friday but the weekend featured dry conditions with a mix of sun and clouds. Winds over the weekend were out of the southwest between 5-10 mph with gusts 15-20 mph.