National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


A. How to get Emergency Weather Information?

Because tornadoes occur with little, if any, warning, minutes and even seconds can mean lives. In just five minutes, a tornado may travel two to four miles on the ground. From the time the National Weather Service (NWS) issues a warning, to the time you receive that warning via radio or television, ten minutes may have elapsed. Also, you must be listening at the critical moment that the warning is announced or an even greater amount of time will pass!

The fastest, most accurate and reliable means of receiving critical weather information at your school is through a NOAA Weather Radio with a "tone alert" feature. NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) is operated directly from NWS Offices and is part of our country's National Warning System. When NWS issues a tornado warning, the "tone alert" (at 1050 Hertz) is instantly sounded, followed by warning information. The NWR uses three main frequencies: 162.4, 162.475, 162.55 MHz. Four other frequencies within this range may be used to reduce interference. Certain higher priced radios have a special feature allowing users to be notified only if the warning is for their county. This feature is known as Specific Area Message Encoding (SAME) technology.

Weather Radios with tone alarms can be purchased between $30 and $80.

NOAA Weather Radio was introduced across the county after a devastating outbreak of tornadoes and severe thunderstorms struck the Midwest and Southeast killing 307 people and injuring over 1000. This outbreak occurred on April 3-4, 1974 from Indiana down to Georgia. Since its inception, NWR has been installed at over 400 locations across the United States, with nearly 80 percent of the population being able to receive broadcasts.

After a devastating tornado struck a church in Alabama on March 27, 1994, the Vice- President re-affirmed the importance of having the NOAA Weather Radio in schools, places of worship, and at other public gathering places. NWR expansion continues across the United States with the goal of reaching 95 percent of the population by 2003.

The NWR "tone alert" feature is used for the issuance of all short fused weather Warnings as well as severe thunderstorm, flash flood, and tornado Watches. (See Appendix A for Watch/Warning definitions). NWR broadcasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It gives the latest weather information from daily forecasts to special weather statements about sudden shifts in the weather patterns or the development of potentially hazardous weather. Besides its usefulness in severe weather situations, the NWR can give school planners a heads-up regarding the onset of snow and can be critical in school closing decisions. (For more information on NWR see Appendix D & Appendix F.)

If your school is not in a reliable NWR listening area (due to interference from mountains or other sources) and will not be helped by attaching your radio to an exterior antenna, then below are some suggested alternatives:

  • Monitor your primary Emergency Alert System (EAS) broadcast radio station(s) (see Appendix E for listing). EAS operates on a cooperative agreement between broadcasters and federal, state, and local government agencies. In Idaho, the EAS is activated for all Tornado, Severe Thunderstorm, and Flash Flood Warnings and short-fused Blizzard Warnings.
  • If you have cable television access, the Weather Channel uses NWS products and broadcasts warnings immediately upon receipt from NWS via a satellite link. Some cable companies include a channel with a local NWS radar display and use NWR as a voice- over.
  • Monitor local radio or television news station(s).

Phone call-down systems used in some states/counties are not advised for receipt of warning information due to:

  1. time elapsed in relaying information
  2. chance of incorrect or incomplete information being passed
  3. lack of reliability of phone systems during storms
  4. the NWS advises people not to use telephones during an electrical storm because lightning can travel through phone lines

Your radio or television should be located in the main office or near the person(s) responsible for enacting the plan. Main offices are good because generally there is always a number of people around who could hear the alert, and in a quick emergency, it is close to the public address (PA) system. If using a NWR, the radio should be set at all times in "Alert" mode. Some radios will automatically turn on when an alert sounds while others must be manually turned on. It is probably better to have the type that automatically turns on in case you are out of the room when the tone is activated. If using NWR, the information cycles every few minutes, so if you don't get all the information you need the first time through, it will repeat shortly.

Listen for the type of watch or warning and where it is in effect. The person(s) monitoring must know what action they should take based on this information. It is suggested that you have a map nearby for easy reference to counties and towns to locate storms and their movement with reference to your school. There is no need to take emergency action if the Warning is not for your location. It should, however, heighten your awareness to the potential for severe weather to affect your school district, especially if the warning is for storms that are moving towards your district!

B. How will the School Administration Alert Teachers and Students to Take Action?

Most schools utilize a public address (PA) system to talk directly to students and teachers. In some cases, electricity may be lost during a storm before you have activated your plan. Therefore, it is critical to have a back-up alerting device such as a compressed air horn or megaphone.

If your school has mobile classrooms or detached gymnasiums that are not part of a PA or intercom system, then special arrangements should be made to notify these areas. Sending "runners" outside to mobile classrooms is not advisable due to the danger posed by lightning and the approaching storm. Wireless communication devices are an effective means for such communication. Hand held portables may be the least expensive.

Handicapped or learning-disabled students may also require special attention. You may want a teacher to be assigned to each student requiring special attention to see that the student moves to the appropriate place of safety. Any students that are in a position not to hear the warning must be taken into account.

To ensure appropriate action and understanding of your "Call to Action," you must exercise your plan. (See part G of this section on drills and the need for severe weather instruction.)

C. Determining Tornado and High Wind Safety Zones in Your School

This may be the most time consuming and complex phase of designing your plan. Schools are sufficiently complex and diverse in design that it is impossible to describe an exact plan here that will apply to every school. Due to this complexity, it is recommended that this phase of the plan be accomplished with the help of an engineer or architect familiar with the school's design. There are, however, general guidelines and basic concepts that can be discussed.

The greatest dangers from high winds (tornado, thunderstorm downburst, etc.) are:

  1. roof failure
  2. breaking glass
  3. flying debris (airborne missiles)

The most dangerous locations generally are large rooms with big expansive roofs such as cafeterias, gymnasiums, and auditoriums. The collapse of the room's load-bearing wall may lead to the failure of the entire roof. Roofs tend to rely on gravity to keep them attached. When strong winds act on a structure, pressure differences are created causing outward pressure forces, acting to lift the roof (See Figure 1). Rooms with large windows that may shatter from being struck by airborne missiles or from pressure stresses also are extremely dangerous. While windows on the side of the school facing the storm are most susceptible, as the storm passes, any windows could potentially shatter. Once winds enter a building, additional damage can be like a domino effect. This is one of the reasons that IT IS NO LONGER ADVISED THAT WINDOWS BE OPENED! Greater damage may occur from this action and valuable time that should be used for getting to safety is often lost.

Small interior rooms, bathrooms, and windowless, interior hallways that are away from exterior doors offer the best protection. Interior load-bearing walls (with short roof spans) provide better protection than temporary or non-load-bearing walls and structures. If your school has more than one story, evacuate the upper level of your school. The lowest level is always the safest.

Schools designed for the "open classroom" concept used in the early 1970s have a difficult task of finding safe areas due to a lack of interior load-bearing walls, the presence of large spanning roofs, and the use of a lot of glass. You may not be able to find enough "ideal" space to occupy your whole student body

It may be a matter of determining the lesser of evils. Below is a list beginning with the highest probability of failure:

  1. Windows on exterior walls
  2. Rooms with large roof spans; mobile classrooms
  3. Exterior walls of upper level; roof
  4. Interior walls of upper level; exterior walls of lower level and interior glass.
  5. Interior, lower level, non-load-bearing walls.

Fortunately, the majority of tornadoes will not destroy well constructed buildings and damage in about 70% of cases should not go beyond #2 in the above list. Using these considerations, you may want to rank areas according to safety. Then begin by filling the safest areas first with students and continue until you have found space for the entire student body.

Again, it is best to have an engineer or architect advise your school on the safest areas since schools are built with varied designs and purposes. The priorities listed above are based on broad generalities.

D. Determining When to Activate Your Plan and When it is Safe to Return to Normal Activities

When deciding to activate a plan, you must use as much information as possible about the type of storms, expected impact and time of impact on your school district to assess the risk. A plan may work best with phases of activation. For instance, outdoor activities will be the most susceptible to weather hazards, with lightning being the greatest threat. As soon as thunder is heard (not when the rain begins), outdoor activities should be delayed. The delay should last until the storm has passed and thunder is no longer heard (about 5 to 10 minutes has elapsed since last heard). (See Appendix C on lightning safety.)

In a Tornado or Severe Thunderstorm Watch, outdoor activities should be postponed and as storms approach, you may want to move students from the most susceptible areas such as mobile classrooms and gymnasiums as a precaution even though a warning has yet to be issued. You may want to post teachers or school personnel trained in spotting severe weather to watch the storms as they approach for the need to take special actions (see Section 3 on severe weather spotter training).

If a Severe Thunderstorm Warning is issued, all of the above actions are warranted. In addition to strong damaging winds, severe thunderstorms may produce large hail and students should be moved out of areas with skylights. If you have areas where large exterior windows may be struck by the storm's winds, it is advised to keep students out of these areas as well until the storm passes.

If a Tornado Warning is issued and you have determined that your school is in the path of this storm, an immediate and complete "Call to Action" is needed. If the storm has not yet reached your school, begin moving students from unsafe areas as listed above and post a trained teacher or school employee to keep an eye on the storm's approach. (From your drills you should know approximately how long it will take to move students into "tornado safe areas.") As the storm begins to hit your school, move all students to tornado safe areas (interior halls, etc.). If winds begin to pick up outside the school (or if a roar is heard or large hail is falling) have students and teachers drop immediately into the protective position (see diagram 1). Winds may pick-up at the onset of the storm and may or may not drop off prior to the tornado. Rain may or may not be occurring. Large hail is a signal that you are near the part of the storm in which the tornado would occur. Once the storm has passed, students may return to classrooms. Stay alert for the potential for additional storms. One special consideration would be the complication of activating a full "Call to Action" plan during class changes, when the halls are crowded and students may not know where to go. It may be best to hold classes beyond regular dismissal time until the severe weather threat has passed. Likewise, at the end of the school day, students may need to be held from boarding buses until the danger has passed.

Diagram 1: Tornado Safe Position

You should have at least a couple of people who know how to shut off the main power (electricity) and gas (if applicable). After a tornado or severe thunderstorm, it may be necessary to shut off the gas and electric supply to the building.

E. Procedures if severe weather happens without a warning

Normally, the National Weather Services diligently attempts to issue a Watch before a Warning. But it doesn't always happen that way! Sometimes the event occurs without prior watches or warnings.

If you experience severe weather, do whatever is feasible to follow as many of the above rules as possible, especially those regarding staying away from windows, out of gymnasiums, cafeterias, auditoriums, all-purpose rooms, etc..

F. Determining When to Hold Departure of School Bus

You will want to consider holding the departure of students to buses whenever Watches or Warnings are in effect. There are two primary considerations:

  1. Upon departure, how long before all students have been delivered safely at home. Include time for the students to walk from their bus stop to their home.
  2. How much time do you have before the storms are expected to impact your district. Severe Thunderstorm and Tornado Watches are sometimes issued a few hours in advance of thunderstorm development. Watches are generally issued for large areas, so even once storms have developed, it may be a couple of hours before the storms reach you. On the other hand, it may be a rapidly developing situation with less than an hour before the storms impact.

If Consideration 1 is less than Consideration 2, then a delayed departure is recommended. Buses provide no protection from severe storms. The next section will discuss what bus drivers should do if faced with a tornado approaching or flood waters in their path.


It is not advisable for parents to be running to the school to pick up their children in severe weather. They should be made to understand that the child is far safer at the school with the severe weather plan in place than on the road when a storm strikes. Other considerations may include whether a large number of children from your district live in mobile homes. The school would provide a far safer environment. Mobile homes are extremely vulnerable to high winds (even when properly anchored and tied down). A storm that would produce minor damage to a school could completely destroy a mobile home. 

School Bus Actions

All school bus drivers should be trained on how to handle severe weather situations. Two primary concerns are flash floods and tornadoes. Additional thought might be given to high wind situations (thunderstorm or other), unexpected heavy snow or ice, extreme heat or cold. In most situations, these events are forecast in advance, but there are times when they may catch you by surprise.



NEVER ATTEMPT TO OUTRUN A TORNADO! If a bus driver has reason to believe a tornado is approaching, the following steps should be taken.

  1. If you have the time to get to a well-constructed building that you can unload students into, then certainly do so as fast as possible. Move them into the interior or basement of the building away from windows and doors. 
  2. If no building is available, look for a ditch or low-lying area (preferably without water). Make sure the bus is parked downwind from the location you have selected. Unload the students to the low-lying area and have them get in position with their hands over their head. (See Diagram 1). Caution, overpasses provide little protection and may cause others to become injured by stopping vehicles in the way of traffic.


NEVER ATTEMPT TO DRIVE THROUGH FLOOD WATERS! If your bus route takes you across small streams and creeks or along a river, you need to have either an alternate route to travel or a contingency plan to return to the school if flood waters are encountered. Major river flooding and coastal flooding generally is well forecast with warnings issued early enough that schools and drivers can plan their strategy prior to placing the students on the bus. Flash flooding (a sudden and dramatic rise in water levels leading to flood conditions) does not lend much warning (by definition). It is this type of flooding for which drivers need to understand what to do and what not to do.

In general, a shallow ponding of water on the roadway is usually not a problem, but as soon as the depth of the water comes into question, particularly in cases where the road may have been undermined, drivers should not enter. Do not enter underpasses that are filling with water. If the water appears to be flowing (moving across the road), do not enter the water as the roadway may be washed out. (See Appendix C for more details).

Water levels can rise rapidly and the force of that water against an automobile and even a bus can be amazingly powerful. If the driver is caught in an unavoidable situation, seek higher ground immediately. If the bus stalls, and water is rising, abandon the bus and seek higher ground before the situation gets out of control.


Children awaiting the school bus in the morning, standing exposed to a cold wind without proper clothing for protection, may develop hypothermia. School bus drivers as well as teachers should be taught to recognize symptoms of hypothermia and frost bite. A cursory description is provided in Appendix C.

About 60 percent of deaths in winter storms occur in vehicle accidents on icy and snowy roads. Some deaths occur from exposure to the cold, whether trapped out in the storm or caught indoors without heat or electricity. Those most susceptible to the cold are young children and elderly. Some deaths occur from fires started by improper use of alternative heat sources such as fireplaces, wood stoves, and space heaters. Proper preparedness, wearing appropriate winter clothes, and following safety procedures will save lives. (See Appendix C on winter storm safety.)

In cases of extreme cold, proper clothing is very important and needs to be stressed to the students. Teachers should be taught to recognize symptoms of frost bite and hypothermia. Outdoor activities may need to be canceled. Delaying school hours may or may not solve the problem of students standing at bus stops in the cold. Bus stop shelters would help protect the students from the exposure to wind. It is recommended that bus drivers and teachers take a Red Cross or other certified course to learn about medical recognition factors like hypothermia.



On hot days, some children may have difficulty handling the heat. They may be boarding the bus from an athletic event or coming from a hot classroom. A child may be dehydrated and starting to show signs of heat exhaustion. Again, drivers should be taught to recognize symptoms of heat stress.

While most heat waves hit when school is out, temperatures can occasionally soar into the 90s in early June and early September. Like wind to cold, humidity adds to the effects of heat. A "heat index" is used to combine these effects. The National Weather Service headlines the heat index in its forecasts when it is expected to reach 105 F. At temperatures of 105 F and greater, heat disorders such as heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke are possible. Students should be kept out of the sun and strenuous activities should be eliminated. Encourage students to drink plenty of water and wear light-colored, lightweight clothing. Teachers should familiarize themselves with the symptoms of heat disorders and first aid procedures (See Appendix C). It is recommended that bus drivers and teachers take a Red Cross or other certified course to learn about medical recognition factors like heat exhaustion.


G. Need for Periodic Drills and Severe Weather Safety Instruction

In order to have an effective severe weather emergency plan, you must have periodic severe weather drills and severe weather safety training. Drills not only teach students and instructors the actions they need to take, but will allow you to evaluate your plan's effectiveness. Did everyone hear the message, did they understand what to do, and were they able to get to the designated areas of safety in a reasonable amount of time? It is suggested that you conduct such drills in conjunction with a severe weather education and awareness program so that students and teachers understand the dangers of severe weather and better comprehend the actions that they are asked to take.

The NWS runs statewide "Severe Weather Awareness" campaigns during the Spring before the onset of the severe weather season and again in the Fall before winter storms set in. These campaigns are coordinated through the state and county government emergency management agencies and the news media and often includes a proclamation from the governor. This may be an opportune time for your school to conduct a drill and program. You can contact your local NWS office or emergency management office if you would like a speaker to come to your school and discuss severe weather safety. It is also suggested that a drill be conducted in September at the beginning of the school year. This will instruct new students of procedures and act as a refresher for returning students. This could be help in conjunction with the Winter Weather campaign or done separately.