National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Lake Effect Snow; Storm Moving Inland across the West then onto the Center of the Nation

Prolonged period of Lake Effect snow will impact the Great Lakes region into this first weekend of the New Year. A Pacific storm moves inland with rain showers and higher elevation snow through Friday. Snow will spread into most of Montana through Saturday. Energy from this system will spawn another storm across the Plains late this weekend. Rain, thunderstorms and a wintry mixture will develop. Read More >

Ken Graham
Director, NOAA's National Weather Service
and Assistant Administrator
for Weather Services at NOAA
(301) 713-9095

Michelle Mainelli

Deputy Director
NOAA's National Weather Service
(301) 713-0711

The Assistant Administrator for Weather Services is responsible for overall management of the National Weather Service (NWS). The office also coordinates NOAA programs directly related to weather warnings and forecasting to ensure the compatibility and effectiveness of weather services. In this capacity, the OAA provides climate, water, and weather warnings, forecasts, and data products to government, industry, and the general public; serves as the NOAA focal point, with appropriate support of the offices of other NOAA Assistant Administrators, for participation in international climatological, hydrologic, and meteorological activities, including, in part, the international exchange of data, services, products, and forecasts; collaborates with the World Meteorological Organization, the International Civil Aviation Organization, and other bodies designated by the Office of the Under Secretary; develops strategies for long-term significant changes to NWS organizations and operations; conducts budgetary accounting, reporting, formulation, and analysis; serves as a focal point for information technology policy; performs corporate risk management and internal auditing of programs and budgets; and ensures a coordinated NOAA program of weather-related activities across NOAA line offices.