A severe weather outbreak is ongoing across the deep to mid South states. Numerous significant tornadoes, some of which may be long-track and potentially violent, should continue into this evening. Severe thunderstorms will continue to spread across parts of Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, the Florida Panhandle, and Georgia into tonight. Flash flooding is also ongoing in these areas. Read More >
Terrance J. Clark
Director, Radar Operations Center
National Weather Service
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Mr. Terrance (Terry) Clark is the Director of the Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD) Radar Operations Center (ROC) for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Weather Service (NWS), at Norman, OK. In this role, he is responsible as the NWS’s Program Manager for the nation’s Tri-Agency (DOC, DOT, DOD) weather radar program. The NEXRAD network of weather radars are the cornerstone to the Tri-Agency’s forecast, advisory, and warning operations contributing to protection of life and property against high impact weather; and for the enhancement of the National economy.
He was designated to serve as the ROC’s Director in July 2015. In this role, he manages centralized, life-cycle support to the national network of 167 Weather Surveillance Radar-1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) NEXRAD radars strategically located throughout the United States and selected international locations. These installations are operated by the United States Air Force, Federal Aviation Administration, and NOAA’s NWS.
Mr. Clark came to the NWS after serving 10 years as the ROC’s Deputy Director. He was a Department of Defense federal employee responsible for all sustaining engineering, operations, and maintenance functions for the NEXRAD program assuring that modifications addressed Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability improvements and technology obsolescence of the program’s 167 operational and test systems.
He served more than 27 years with the United States Air Force as a career meteorologist. He held command, management, and senior level executive positions at multiple echelons of the Air Force.
Mr. Clark holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Technical Geography from South Dakota State University, Air Force Institute of Technology Meteorology Training from the University of Utah, and a Master of Science degree in Atmospheric Science from Texas Tech University. During his tenure, the ROC completed the implementation of Dual Polarization capability on the NEXRAD network, earning the DOC Gold Award in 2014.
Mr. Clark and his wife are natives of South Dakota. They have five adult children and reside in Norman, OK.