National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce




About the NOAA emblem and logo | National Oceanic and Atmospheric  AdministrationOpen House at NWS New York Weather Forecast OfficeFile:US-NationalWeatherService-Logo.svg - Wikipedia

In Partnership with Brookhaven National Lab Open House Summer Sundays

 Sunday Aug 4, 2024 10:00 am – 3:00 pm


The National Weather Service’s (NWS) New York, N.Y. forecast office, located in Upton, N.Y., in coordination with Brookhaven National Laboratory, will host a public open house to tour the forecast operations floor, meet meteorologists and learn how forecasters make forecasts, issue warnings, and provide critical weather support.

This year’s theme is “ Building a Weather Ready Tri-State

  • Learn about the tools and technology National Weather Service meteorologists use to forecast the weather, the products and services provided by the National Weather Service, and how meteorologists work with public safety officials to build weather ready communities. Also learn how you can be a citizen scientist and help the National Weather Service issue more timely and skillful forecasts and warnings.
  • There will be group tours inside the NWS NY forecast office, and a variety of weather education, safety and preparedness exhibits outside, including emergency response vehicles, Suffolk County Fire Rescue and Emergency Service all-hazards trailer and interactive activities for kids and family. Visitors will also have the opportunity to meet with NWS partners, including Emergency Management from Suffolk County, Nassau County and NYC, the American Red Cross, USAF Air National Guard, American Meteorological Society, Skywarn Amateur Radio Operators, and numerous academic partners.
  • The event will culminate in a special weather balloon launch in the late afternoon by successful RSVP confirmation only. RSVP is now closed.



What: NWS NY Open House Tour as part of Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) Open House Tours.

  • Meet NWS meteorologists, public safety officials and academic partners working to make our communities Weather-Ready
  • Tour of NWS forecast office and operations
  • Weather Education, Safety and Preparedness: Booths, exhibits, activities and handouts
  • Weather balloon launch (by successful RSVP notification only). You must arrive at BNL by 2:30pm.


New York, N.Y. Weather Forecast Office on Brookhaven National Labs



Aug 4 from 10 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 

2:45pm departure from Berkner Cafeteria for NWS weather balloon launch (by successful RSVP notification only)



This tour starts from Berkner Cafeteria on Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). Bus transportation is provided to NWS NY. Arrive by 1pm for the last bus for this tour.



Nelson Vaz, Warning Coordination Meteorologist

The National Weather Service’s New York, N.Y. forecast office, located in Upton, N.Y., is the primary source of weather data, forecasts and warnings for about 19 million people in Southeast NY, Northeast NJ, and Southern Connecticut.  Visit us at and join us on Facebook and Twitter.