September is National Preparedness Month. This year’s theme is “Prepare to Protect. Preparing for disasters is protecting everyone you love.” To help you and your loved ones prepare for fall hazards, such as hurricanes, drought, wildfires and more, the National Weather Service (NWS) launched its Fall Safety Campaign on September 1.
Check out 4 safety tips highlighted in our latest public safety campaign:
- Remain vigilant after extreme weather passes. The storm may be over, but dangers remain, so watch out for downed power lines and damaged buildings, and always avoid floodwaters.

- Take simple actions to protect yourself and your loved ones. For example, if your community is impacted by a drought, try to conserve your household water use by turning off the water while brushing or taking shorter showers. Look to your local officials for additional guidance during a drought.

- When encountering flooded roads or walkways, Turn Around, Don’t Drown. Half of flood fatalities occur in vehicles. Dangers can lurk below the surface of the water like erosion and potential collapse of the road surface.

- Know the difference between a NWS Watch and Warning. For example, the graphic below describes a High Wind Watch (which means be prepared) and a High Wind Warning (which means take immediate action).

Bonus Tip: Know Before You Go! Always be sure to check for the latest weather conditions and alerts before you head outside.

Help NWS build a more Weather-Ready Nation: Visit our Fall Weather Safety website for sample social media posts, infographics (like the ones shown above), and videos that are available for public use. Then share this potentially lifesaving information far and wide to help protect everyone you know.