It will be warm and mostly dry today, but a few locations may see an
isolated shower and a few rumbles of thunder will be possible mainly
south and Plateau. Continued warm conditions are expected Friday,
along with developing strong downslope winds off of the mountains
ahead of a strong system expected on Saturday. That system will
bring widespread showers and thunderstorms to the region Saturday
afternoon and night, along with the possibility of severe storms.
It will be warm and mostly dry today, but a few locations may see an
isolated shower and a few rumbles of thunder will be possible mainly
south and Plateau. Continued warm conditions are expected Friday,
along with developing strong downslope winds off of the mountains
ahead of a strong system expected on Saturday. That system will
bring widespread showers and thunderstorms to the region Saturday
afternoon and night, along with the possibility of severe storms.
It will be warm and mostly dry today, but a few locations may see an
isolated shower and a few rumbles of thunder will be possible mainly
south and Plateau. Continued warm conditions are expected Friday,
along with developing strong downslope winds off of the mountains
ahead of a strong system expected on Saturday. That system will
bring widespread showers and thunderstorms to the region Saturday
afternoon and night, along with the possibility of severe storms.
Each observation point is apart of our COOP program (Cooperative
Observer Program). Each site has a 24 hour observation period
that ends and begins at 8 am local time. Each site records
temperature, precipitation, and snowfall data. More information about
the COOP program can be found here
Data began being collected at: Cades Cover on 01/01/1999 || Mount
LeConte on 07/01/1987 || Newfound Gap on 01/01/1991 || Sugarlands
Visitor Center on 12/01/1921