Weather Forecast Office
Mobile and Pensacola Areas
Mobile Area - November started off unseasonably warm. Highs leveled off to more seasonable levels for much of the remainder of the month. Overnight lows cooled mostly to below normal that latter end of the month. The average monthly high was 72.7°, or 2.1° above normal. The average monthly low was 50.5°, or 1.9° above normal. One record high was tied at Mobile on the 29th , warming up to 79°; this occurred on the same date a year ago, and in 1949, 1919, and 1905. (Fig. A) shows how the numbers compared to the seasonal normal monthly highs and lows, which are denoted by the dashed lines.
After a very wet, record breaking October, the exact opposite occurred this month with November’s rainfall only totaling just shy of a half inch. November rainfall, of 0.48”, as seen in (Fig. B) came in well over 4 inches below the monthly normal of 5.13”.
Pensacola Area - November started off unseasonably warm with temperatures widely variable through the middle of the month. Highs then were mostly seasonal to end the month. The average monthly high was 73.9°, or 3.6° above normal. The average monthly low was 54.4°, or 3.2° above normal. 2 record highs were tied, on the 5th and 8th at 83° and 82° respectively. The last time 83° occurred on the 5th was 1987 and 1946 and 82° on the 8th, 2000 and 1973. (Fig. C.) shows how the numbers compared to the seasonal normal monthly highs and lows, which are denoted by the dashed lines.
After a very wet October, the exact opposite occurred this month with November’s rainfall setting a new record for driest Novembers on record, only totaling just shy of a tenth of an inch. November rainfall of 0.09”, as seen in (Fig. D.) came in well over 4 inches below the monthly normal of 4.73”.
Long Range Climatic Outlook:
Additional Climate Links:
Climate Prediction Center (CPC)
WFO Mobile AL Climate and Past Weather
National Weather Service Mobile
Questions or Comments:
Contact: Joe Maniscalco, WFO Mobile, AL Climate Program Focal Point at
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8400 Airport Blvd Bldg 11
Mobile, AL 36608
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