National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
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Last Map Update: Sun, Mar 9, 2025 at 9:42:42 am EDT

Warm finish to the weekend with a 20-30% chance of rain near and north of Orlando today.
60-70% coverage of rain & storms moving to the southeast on Monday morning into mid-afternoon. There is a low chance for strong storms. Wind gusts to around 50 mph remain the primary hazard.
Locally heavy rain, strong storms with gusty winds, and hazardous to dangerous boating conditions are forecast early in the work week as a cold front passes through Central Florida.
Rainfall amounts are forecast to be light on Monday, less than an inch in most locations.
Isolated showers are possible today mainly north of Orlando. Much warmer with mid/upper 80s from near Orlando and points southward. A Moderate Risk for rip currents at our beaches.
Latest forecast for East Central Florida.
Climate information for today.

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