Drought Information Statement for Eastern Washington & North Idaho Valid October 17, 2024 Issued By: NWS Spokane, WA Contact Information: w-otx.webmaster@noaa.gov This will be the last monthly update until drought significantly degrades. Please see all currently available products at https://drought.gov/drought-information-statements. Please visit https://www.weather.gov/otx/DroughtInformationStatement for previous statements. Please visit https://www.drought.gov/drought-status-updates for regional drought status updates. LITTLE CHANGE TO DROUGHT OVER THE INLAND NW, YET WETTER OUTLOOK FAVORED Moderate to Severe drought remains across much of the region Above normal precipitaton favored for late fall into early winter which should help alleviate drought conditions U.S. Drought Monitor Drought intensity and Extent for the Inland NW D3 (Extreme Drought): NONE 0% D2 (Severe Drought): central Idaho Panhandle to the lee of the central Cascades ~ more than 21% D1 (Moderate Drought): much of central central and eastern WA and the ID Panhandle ~ less than 63% D0: (Abnormally Dry): Northcentral and northeast WA, and the far northern ID Panhandle ~ near 16% NONE: 0% Recent Change in Drought Intensity Four Week Drought Monitor Class Change No Change: much of eastern WA Drought Improved: southern ID Panhandle Drought degraded: northern ID Panhandle Last 30 Days Precipitation Precipitation over the last 30 days has been below normal across the Inland NW and especially dry across the western Columbia Basin. Last 90 Days Precipitation Precipitation over the last 90 days has been wetter across the Palouse region and the central ID Mountains. Last 7 Days and 30 Days Temperature Temperatures the last week and last 30 days have been warmer than normal across much of the Inland NW by 1 to 4 degrees. Summary of Impacts Hydrologic Impacts Stream flows over the past 7 days have been near to mostly below normal across much of the region given the drier weather pattern. Agricultural Impacts Soil moisture remains drier than normal across much of the Inland NW and has expanded in the last month with soil moisture percentiles in single digit percentiles. Crop moisture index ranges from Excessively Dry in central WA and Abnormally Dry in extreme eastern WA and north ID. Producers brought their cattle home, and fall planting was underway. Winter wheat seeding was mostly complete, although soil conditions were dry. All other harvests continued as normal. According the USDA Crop Progress Reports Mitigation Actions The WA Drought Emergency for much of the state remains in effect. Hydrologic Conditions and Impacts Stream flows over the past 7 days have been near to mostly below normal across much of the region given the drier weather pattern. Near normal flows were found across the northern ID Panhandle due to the regulated flows. Agricultural Conditions and Impacts Soil moisture remains drier than normal across much of the Inland NW and has expanded in the last month with soil moisture percentiles in single digit percentiles. Crop moisture index ranges from Excessively Dry in central WA and Abnormally Dry in extreme eastern WA and north ID. Producers brought their cattle home, and fall planting was underway. Winter wheat seeding was mostly complete, although soil conditions were dry. All other harvests continued as normal. Seven Day Precipitation Forecast Rounds of precipitation are anticipated this week, especially for Oct 21-22. High elevation snow is forecast. The 8-14 day outlook favors 30-40% of below normal temperatures 40-50% of above normal precipitation for late October. Monthly and Seasonal Outlooks The latest monthly and seasonal outlooks can be found on the CPC homepage NOVEMBER is favoring equal chances of near, below, to above normal temperatures and 30-50% chances to above normal precipitation across the Inland NW. OCT-NOV-DEC outlook has equal chances of near, above, to below normal temperatures and up to 50% chance of above normal precipitation across the Inland NW. Drought Outlook The latest monthly and seasonal outlooks can be found on the CPC homepage The Monthly Drought Outlook shows drought likely to persist across the Inland NW. The Seasonal Drought Outlook shows drought likely to improve or end across the Inland NW by January 2025.