CANADIAN MARINE PRODUCTS **** IMPORTANT NOTICES **** Effective September 07, 2016, the address of the FTPMAIL service changed from to If you restrict incoming e-mail as a means of preventing spam, you must configure your e-mail system to allow mail from Read the help file carefully - 99% of errors using FTPMAIL are simple typo's, incorrect capitalization, failure to send in plain text format, leading or trailing spaces, or failure to set up any spam filters properly. The "help" file contains a more detailed description of the FTPMAIL system and available products. To obtain a copy of the FTPMAIL "help" file. -In plain text format- Send an e-mail to: Subject Line: Put anything you like Body: help These instructions are subject to frequently. ********** This file is intended to assist mariners using the FTPMAIL system which is used to obtain National Weather Service products via e-mail. These International products are provided as a public service. Many of these products are seasonal. Check date and time. If the date and time of the forecast are not explicitly stated, the validity of the forecast should be considered in doubt. CANADIAN MARINE TEXT FORECASTS These files may be found in directories: The following is an example in the use of the FTPMAIL system. NOTE CAPITALIZATION! -In plain text format- Send an e-mail to: Subject Line: Put anything you like Body: open cd data cd raw cd fq get fqcn14.cwnt..txt cd .. cd fi get ficn14.cwis..txt quit Note: Many of these products are seasonal PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FILE NAME BRITISH COLUMBIA Marine Forecasts fqcn13.cwvr..txt Extended Forecasts fqcn53.cwvr..txt Wave Height Forecasts fqcn23.cwvr..txt Synopsis fqcn10.cwvr..txt Marine Weather Statement fqcn20.cwvr..txt NAVTEX format for the North Coast fqcn35.cwvr..txt NAVTEX format for the South Coast and Georgia Basin fqcn33.cwvr..txt NORTHWEST TERRITORIES (Seasonal) MacKenzie River, Great Slave Lake and Lake Athabasca fqcn13.cwnt..txt Extended Forecasts fqcn53.cwnt..txt Beaufort Sea and Coronation Gulf Marine Forecasts fqcn14.cwnt..txt Extended Forecasts fqcn54.cwnt..txt Synopsis fqcn10.cwnt..txt Ice Forecasts ficn14.cwis..txt NUNAVUT (Seasonal) Beaufort Sea and Coronation Gulf Marine Forecasts fqcn14.cwnt..txt Extended Forecasts fqcn54.cwnt..txt Synopsis fqcn10.cwnt..txt Ice Forecasts ficn14.cwis..txt High Arctic - Baffin Bay Marine Forecasts fqcn15.cwnt..txt Extended Forecasts fqcn55.cwnt..txt Synopsis fqcn11.cwnt..txt Ice Forecasts ficn16.cwis..txt Foxe Basin - Hudson Bay Marine Forecasts fqcn17.cwnt..txt Extended Forecasts fqcn57.cwnt..txt Synopsis fqcn11.cwnt..txt NAVTEX Format fqcn36.cwnt..txt Ice Forecasts ficn15.cwis..txt Western Hudson Bay Marine Forecasts fqcn16.cwnt..txt Extended Forecasts fqcn56.cwnt..txt Synopsis fqcn11.cwnt..txt Ice Forecasts ficn15.cwis..txt Eastern Hudson Bay Marine Forecasts fqcn16.cwul..txt Extended Forecasts fqcn56.cwul..txt Wave Height Forecasts fqcn26.cwul..txt Synopsis fqcn11.cwul..txt Ice Forecasts ficn15.cwis..txt Davis Strait Marine Forecasts fqcn18.cwnt..txt Extended Forecasts fqcn58.cwnt..txt Synopsis fqcn11.cwnt..txt NAVTEX Format fqcn36.cwnt..txt Ice Forecasts ficn16.cwis..txt SASKATCHEWAN Lake Athabasca (seasonal) Marine Forecasts fqcn13.cwnt..txt Extended Forecasts fqcn53.cwnt..txt MANITOBA Manitoba Lakes (seasonal) Marine Forecasts fqcn13.cwwg..txt Extended Forecasts fqcn53.cwwg..txt ONTARIO Great Lakes & St. Lawrence (Kinston to Cornwall) Marine Forecasts fqcn13.cwto..txt Extended Forecasts fqcn53.cwto..txt Wave Height Forecasts fqcn23.cwto..txt Synopsis fqcn10.cwto..txt MAFOR fqcn30.cwto..txt Marine Weather Statement fqcn20.cwto..txt NAVTEX Format (Lakes Huron, Erie and Ontario) fqcn38.cwto..txt NAVTEX Format (Lake Superior and Lake Huron) fqcn39.cwto..txt Ice Forecasts ficn19.cwis..txt Lake Simcoe & Lake Nipissing and Lake of the Woods, Lake Nipigon and North Channel fqcn19.cwto..txt QUEBEC (Some seasonal) St. Lawrence (Cornwall to Anticosti) and Saguenay Rivers Marine Forecasts fqcn13.cwul..txt Extended Forecasts fqcn53.cwul..txt Wave Height Forecasts fqcn23.cwul..txt Synopsis fqcn10.cwul..txt MAFOR Code fqcn30.cwul..txt NAVTEX Format fqcn37.cwul..txt NAVTEX Format (Gulf of St. Lawrence) fqcn37.cwhx..txt Ice Forecasts ficn17.cwis..txt Eastern Hudson Bay Marine Forecasts fqcn16.cwul..txt Extended Forecasts fqcn56.cwul..txt Wave Height Forecasts fqcn26.cwul..txt Synopsis fqcn11.cwul..txt Ice Forecasts ficn15.cwis..txt NEW BRUNSWICK Marine Forecasts fqcn13.cwhx..txt Extended Forecasts fqcn53.cwhx..txt Wave Height Forecasts fqcn23.cwhx..txt Synopsis fqcn10.cwhx..txt NAVTEX Format fqcn33.cwhx..txt Ice Forecasts ficn17.cwis..txt NOVA SCOTIA (some seasonal) Marine Forecasts fqcn13.cwhx..txt Halifax Harbour Forecast fqcn14.cwhx..txt Bras d'Or Lakes Forecast fqcn19.cwhx..txt Extended Forecasts fqcn53.cwhx..txt Wave Height Forecasts fqcn23.cwhx..txt Synopsis fqcn10.cwhx..txt Marine Weather Statement fqcn20.cwhx..txt NAVTEX Format (West) fqcn33.cwhx..txt NAVTEX Format (East and North) fqcn34.cwhx..txt NAVTEX Format (South Coast of Nfld) fqcn34.cyqx..txt Ice Forecasts ficn17.cwis..txt PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Marine Forecasts fqcn13.cwhx..txt Extended Forecasts fpcn53.cwhx..txt Wave Height Forecasts fqcn23.cwhx..txt Synopsis fqcn10.cwhx..txt NAVTEX Format fqcn34.cwhx..txt Ice Forecasts ficn17.cwis..txt NEWFOUNDLAND and LABRADOR Newfoundland Marine Forecasts fqcn13.cyqx..txt Extended Forecasts fqcn53.cyqx..txt Wave Height Forecasts fqcn23.cyqx..txt Synopsis fqcn10.cyqx..txt Marine Weather Statement fqcn20.cyqx..txt NAVTEX Format (West) fqcn33.cyqx..txt NAVTEX Format (East) fqcn34.cyqx..txt Ice Forecasts ficn18.cwis..txt Iceberg Bulletin ficn10.cwis..txt Labrador Marine Forecasts fqcn15.cyqx..txt Extended Forecasts fqcn55.cyqx..txt Wave Height Forecasts fqcn25.cyqx..txt Synopsis fqcn11.cyqx..txt Marine Weather Statement fqcn21.cyqx..txt NAVTEX Format fqcn35.cyqx..txt NAVTEX Format (Strait of Belle Isle) fqcn37.cyqx..txt Ice Forecasts ficn18.cwis..txt Iceberg Bulletin ficn10.cwis..txt If you have access to the World Wide Web be certain to check out the following webpages. See these pages for further links. NWS Homepage NWS Marine Page Mobile Page Author: Marine, Tropical, and Tsunami Services Branch, W/AFS26 National Weather Service Feedback or questions: Last Modified Mar. 16, 2023 Document URL: