Drought Information Statement for Northeast Nevada Valid: September 21, 2024 Issued By: WFO Elko, NV Contact Information: nws.elko@noaa.gov This product will be updated October 21, 2024 or sooner, if drought conditions change significantly. Please see all currently available products at https://drought.gov/drought-information-statements. Please visit https://www.weather.gov/lkn/DroughtInformationStatement for previous statements. Please visit https://www.drought.gov/drought-status-updates for regional drought status updates. Drought and abnormally dry conditions continue across Nevada Areas of D1 drought for northern Humboldt and Nye Counties Rest of Nevada observing abnormally dry conditions 1 U.S. Drought Monitor Link to the latest U.S. Drought Monitor for the Western U.S. Drought intensity and Extent D4 (Exceptional Drought): None. D3 (Extreme Drought): None. D2 (Severe Drought): None. D1 (Moderate Drought): Northern Humboldt County, including: Denio, McDermitt, Paradise Valley. Portions of Northern Nye County, including: Tonopah and Warm Springs. D0: (Abnormally Dry): Elko County, Eureka County, Humboldt County, Lander County, N. Nye County, and White Pine County. Recent Change in Drought Intensity Link to the latest 4-week change map for the Western U.S. Four Week Drought Monitor Class Change. Drought Worsened: Portions of northern Humboldt County, Lander County, southwestern Eureka County, northern Nye County White Pine County, and Elko County. No Change: Portions of Elko County, Eureka County, Southern Humboldt County, Northeastern Lander County, Northeastern Nye County, and White Pine County. Drought Improved: Portions of northern Humboldt County. Precipitation Rainfall the first half of September brought wetting rains to portions of the forecast area, while others remained drier than average. A band of consistent rainfall over Humboldt, Lander, and portions of Eureka and Elko Counties produced more than 300% of normal rainfall for the last 30 days. Totals greater than 1.00” were observed. Additional Resource: HPRCC (High Plains Regional Climate Center) Temperature Temperature departures for the last 7 day show max temperatures generally near average, though Humboldt County resided cooler than average. 30 day departures again show max temperatures generally near average though areas in and near Humboldt County resided cooler than average. Additional Resource: HPRCC (High Plains Regional Climate Center) Summary of Impacts Links: See/submit Condition Monitoring Observer Reports (CMOR) and view the Drought Impacts Reporter Hydrologic Impacts Streams and rivers continue to flow near average for this time of year with reservoir levels also remaining healthy. Agricultural Impacts Widespread stress on rangeland and grasslands 40% of rangeland classified in either ‘very poor’ or ‘poor’ condition, and 15% ‘fair’ Fire Hazard Impacts Greater than normal wildland fire risk due to critically dry fuels and greater than normal fuel loads Other Impacts There are no known impacts at this time Mitigation Actions Please refer to your municipality and/or water provider for mitigation information. Hydrologic Conditions and Impacts Streamflow averages for the Sep 13 - Sep 20 period show that the majority of northern and central Nevada remains within the 25-75 percentile class, which means average flows for this time of year. The Independence, and Tuscarora Ranges in west-central Elko county saw greater than normal streamflow for the week. Far southeast Elko County, including Wendover, and far northeast White Pine County saw lower than normal streamflow for the last week. Image: USGS 7 day average streamflow HUC8 map valid 09 01 2024 Agricultural Impacts Crop moisture index shows that Nevada is drier than average with the weekly period beginning Sep 14th showing severely dry conditions with the index showing -3.0 or less across central Nevada. Excessively dry conditions for northwest Nevada with an index between -2.0 and -2.9 and abnormally dry across northeast Nevada with the index reading -1.0 and -1.9. Calculated soil moisture is near to drier than normal for this time of year. Especially across east central Nevada where recent rains were mostly absent. Fire Hazard Impacts Fuels remain critically dry for fire weather zones 424, 437, 438, 469, 470, 427, 425, and 426 (all northeastern Nevada zones). Fuel loads remain greater than normal across all of northern, and central Nevada due to wetter than normal period, winter 2022-2023 through winter 2023-2024. Fire starts due to both human and natural (lightning) methods are greater than normal, and have been for the last few months. One large incident remains ongoing in NE Nye county (Broom Canyon Fire, 8232 acres as of Sep 19th). Significant wildland fire potential for October is indicated to be near normal as the transition continues from the summer convective season to the fall. Link to Wildfire Potential Outlooks from the National Interagency Coordination Center An Interactive Fire Restrictions Map for Nevada can be found at: https://www.nevadafireinfo.org/restrictions Seven Day Precipitation Forecast Quiet weather is forecast for Nevada for the next several days (Sept 21th through Sept 28th). There are no chances for rain forecast for NE Nevada for the next 7 days. Conditions favor Mostly clear skies, light winds, and warming temperatures though the next 7 days. Rapid Onset Drought Outlook Links to the latest Climate Prediction Center 8 to 14 day Temperature Outlook and Precipitation Outlook Rapid onset drought conditions are not expected, as drought and abnormally dry conditions exist across Nevada. Other hazards such as excessive heat are not expected in the next few weeks. Long-Range Outlooks The latest monthly and seasonal outlooks can be found on the CPC homepage Monthly precipitation outlook for Nevada favors a 33% - 40% probability of below normal precipitation for October. Monthly Temperature outlook for Nevada indicates a 33% to 50% probability for above normal temperatures for October. Seasonal outlooks (Oct/Nov/Dec - not shown) favor a 33% to 60% probability (from west to east) of above normal temperatures for all of Nevada. There is no strong signal for either above or below normal precipitation across northern Nevada as the region is under Equal Chances. Drought Outlook The latest monthly and seasonal outlooks can be found on the CPC homepage Monthly and Seasonal drought outlooks show that D1 drought conditions are expected to persist for northern Humboldt (and Washoe) counties. Monthly and Seasonal drought outlooks show that drought conditions are not favored to develop further across the remainder of the Silver State at this time. Links to the latest: Climate Prediction Center Monthly Drought Outlook Climate Prediction Center Seasonal Drought Outlook