Drought Information Statement for Central and Northeast Wisconsin Valid November 7, 2024 Issued By: WFO Green Bay, WI Contact Information: nws.greenbay@noaa.gov This product will be updated around November 14, 2024 or sooner if drought conditions change significantly. Please see all currently available products at https://drought.gov/drought-information-statements. Please visit https://www.weather.gov/grb/DroughtInformationStatement for previous statements. Please visit https://www.drought.gov/drought-status-updates/drought-status-update-midwest-2024-04-25 Recent heavy soaking rains have brought improvement in drought conditions across northeast Wisconsin. Only Vilas, eastern half of Oneida and far western Forest counties remain in Severe Drought (D2). 1 U.S. Drought Monitor Link to the latest U.S. Drought Monitor for [region] Drought intensity and Extent D2 (Severe Drought): Vilas, the eastern half of Oneida and far western Forest counties. D1 (Moderate Drought): North of a Tomahawk to Green Bay to Two Creeks line, except for Vilas, the eastern half of Oneida and far western Forest counties. D0 (Abnormally Dry): South of a Tomahawk to Green Bay to Two Creeks line. Recent Change in Drought Intensity Link to the latest 4-week change map for [region] Four Week Drought Monitor Class Change. Drought Improvement: Most of the area saw a one category improvement over the past due to a recent heavy soaking rain. Portions of central and northeast Wisconsin saw 1 to 3 inches of rain, with locally higher amounts. No Change: Vilas County saw some rain during the past week, but not enough to make a chance in the current drought conditions. Precipitation Most of Vilas and Oneida counties have only seen 50 to 75% of normal precipitation over the past week. A swath of heavy rain from central into northeast Wisconsin during the past week has resulted in rainfall totals 100 to 200% of normal. Temperature The 7 day (left image) and the 30 day temperature (right image) continued to show temperatures running 6F to 9F above normal. Temperatures are expected to remain above normal this week, and in the 8-14 day period from Nov 15-21. Summary of Impacts Hydrologic Impacts Rivers across the rest of the area have risen from previous lows in October due to two steady rainfall events in the past week. Agricultural Impacts There should be minimal impacts to agricultural interest since the main growing season has ended. yields. Fire Hazard Impacts Recent heavy rain and cooler weather has diminished the risk of wildfires in November. Other Impacts There are no known impacts at this time. Mitigation Actions Please refer to your municipality and/or water provider for mitigation information. If you plan on burning, please check the Wisconsin DNR website for any bans on burning. https://apps.dnr.wi.gov/wisburn/#/ Links: See/submit Condition Monitoring Observer Reports (CMOR) and view the Drought Impacts Reporter Hydrologic Conditions and Impacts River levels are on the rise during the past week due to the recent heavy soaking rains. Image Caption: USGS 7 day average streamflow HUC map valid 10 31 2024 Agricultural Impacts Soil moisture conditions have improved across the area during the past week. Rainfall totals over the past week were in the 1 to 3 inch range across central into northeast WI. Since October 29th, portions of the area has seen 3 to 5 inches of rain. Fire Hazard Impacts The risk of wildland fires is low due to the recent rains and cooler temperatures. Link to Wildfire Potential Outlooks from the National Interagency Coordination Center. Wisconsin Fire Danger Map Seven Day Precipitation Forecast There are two systems that are expected to bring additional rainfall to the area (Nov 9-10) and again Nov 13-14) that will likely help improve the drought conditions. Rapid Onset Drought Outlook Links to the latest Climate Prediction Center 8 to 14 day Temperature Outlook and Precipitation Outlook. Looking out for the next two weeks suggests that only minor changes in drought conditions across north-central and northeast WI. Long-Range Outlooks The latest monthly and seasonal outlooks can be found on the CPC homepage There are greater chances for above normal temperatures and precipitation during November. Drought Outlook The latest monthly and seasonal outlooks can be found on the CPC homepage The latest trends in the models indicated above normal precipitation through the end of November, causing the drought to diminish and end. Links to the latest: Climate Prediction Center Monthly Drought Outlook Climate Prediction Center Seasonal Drought Outlook