The following National Weather Service marine products are broadcast via U.S. Coast Guard NAVTEX stations. See USCG NAVTEX or NAVTEX Maritime Safety Broadcasts for a detailed description of U.S. Coast Guard NAVTEX broadcasts including schedule information.
CAUTION - This page is provided as a service to mariners and may not reflect an accurate listing of marine weather products being broadcast which is subject to revision. Broadcast of navigational warnings and Search and Rescue (SAR) information may occasionally precude broadcast of scheduled weather information.
Contact the U.S. Coast Guard directly if you have any questions regarding these broadcasts.
Please send us feedback if you have any comments or corrections to this webpage.
These tables contain links to products, however, the Internet is not part of the National Weather Service's operational data stream and should never be relied upon as a means to obtain the latest forecast and warning data. Linked data may not represent the latest forecast. Please read our disclaimer.
CAUTION - Remember to hit the "RELOAD" button on your web browser or you may be recalling data from memory rather than downloading the latest forecast.
See this webpage for links to all of the products listed in the tables below...
U.S. Coast Guard BOSTON, MA NWS Marine Weather Products Broadcast Via NAVTEX (Identifier F) |
OFFN01 | NAVTEX Forecast, Eastport, ME to Sandy Hook, NJ |
SMWCAR | Special Marine Warning* - Caribou, ME |
SMWGYX | Special Marine Warning* - Gray/Portland, ME |
SMWBOX | Special Marine Warning* - Taunton, MA |
MWSCAR | Marine Weather Statement* - Caribou, ME |
MWSGYX | Marine Weather Statement* - Gray/Portland, ME |
MWSBOX | Marine Weather Statement* - Taunton, MA |
TSUAT1 | Tsunami Advisory/Watch/Warning* |
TSUATE | Tsunami Public Message* |
*Non-Routine, event driven product |
U.S. Coast Guard CHESAPEAKE (PORTSMOUTH), VA NWS Marine Weather Products Broadcast Via NAVTEX (Identifier N) |
OFFN02 | NAVTEX Forecast, Sandy Hook, NJ to Murrells Inlet, SC |
SMWPHI | Special Marine Warning* - Philadelphia/New Jersey |
SMWLWX | Special Marine Warning* - Washington, DC/Maryland |
SMWAKQ | Special Marine Warning* - Wakefield, VA |
MWSPHI | Marine Weather Statement* - Philadelphia/New Jersey |
MWSLWX | Marine Weather Statement* - Washington, DC/Maryland |
MWSAKQ | Marine Weather Statement* - Wakefield, VA |
TSUAT1 | Tsunami Advisory/Watch/Warning* |
TSUATE | Tsunami Public Message* |
*Non-Routine, event driven product |
U.S. Coast Guard CHARLESTON, SC NWS Marine Weather Products Broadcast Via NAVTEX (Identifier E) |
OFFN03 | NAVTEX Forecast, Murrrels Inlet, SC TO Flagler Beach, FL |
SMWCHS | Special Marine Warning* - Charleston, SC |
SMWJAX | Special Marine Warning* - Jacksonville, FL |
MWSCHS | Marine Weather Statement* - Charleston, SC |
MWSJAX | Marine Weather Statement* - Jacksonville, FL |
TSUAT1 | Tsunami Advisory/Watch/Warning* |
TSUATE | Tsunami Public Message* |
*Non-Routine, event driven product |
U.S. Coast Guard MIAMI, FL NWS Marine Weather Products Broadcast Via NAVTEX (Identifier A) |
OFFN04 | NAVTEX Forecast, SW N Atlantic S OF 31N AND W OF 65W |
SMWMLB | Special Marine Warning* - Melbourne, FL |
SMWMFL | Special Marine Warning* - Miami, FL |
SMWKEY | Special Marine Warning* - Key West, FL |
SMWTBW | Special Marine Warning* - Tampa, FL |
MWSMLB | Marine Weather Statement* - Melbourne, FL |
MWSMFL | Marine Weather Statement* - Miami, FL |
MWSKEY | Marine Weather Statement* - Key West, FL |
MWSTBW | Marine Weather Statement* - Tampa, FL |
TSUAT1 | Tsunami Advisory/Watch/Warning* |
TSUATE | Tsunami Public Message* |
*Non-Routine, event driven product |
U.S. Coast Guard PUERTO RICO NWS Marine Weather Products Broadcast Via NAVTEX (Identifier R) |
OFFN05 | NAVTEX Forecast, Carribbean Sea and SW N Atlantic |
SMWSJU | Special Marine Warning* - San Juan, PR |
MWSSJU | Marine Weather Statement* - San Juan, PR |
TSUAT1 | Tsunami Advisory/Watch/Warning* |
TSUATE | Tsunami Public Message* |
*Non-Routine, event driven product |
U.S. Coast Guard NEW ORLEANS, LA NWS Marine Weather Products Broadcast Via NAVTEX (Identifier G) |
OFFN06 | NAVTEX Forecast, Gulf of America |
SMWTBW | Special Marine Warning* - Tampa, FL |
SMWTAE | Special Marine Warning* - Tallahassee, FL |
SMWMOB | Special Marine Warning* - Mobile, AL |
SMWLIX | Special Marine Warning* - New Orleans, LA |
SMWLCH | Special Marine Warning* - Lake Charles, LA |
SMWHGX | Special Marine Warning* - Houston/Galveston, TX |
SMWCRP | Special Marine Warning* - Corpus Christi, TX |
SMWBRO | Special Marine Warning* - Brownsville, TX |
MWSTBW | Marine Weather Statement* - Tampa, FL |
MWSTAE | Marine Weather Statement* - Tallahassee, FL |
MWSMOB | Marine Weather Statement* - Mobile, AL |
MWSLIX | Marine Weather Statement* - New Orleans, LA |
MWSLCH | Marine Weather Statement* - Lake Charles, LA |
MWSHGX | Marine Weather Statement* - Houston/Galveston, TX |
MWSCRP | Marine Weather Statement* - Corpus Christi, TX |
MWSBRO | Marine Weather Statement* - Brownsville, TX |
TSUAT1 | Tsunami Advisory/Watch/Warning* |
TSUATE | Tsunami Public Message* |
*Non-Routine, event driven product |
U.S. Coast Guard ASTORIA, OR NWS Marine Weather Products Broadcast Via NAVTEX (Identifier W) |
OFFN09 | NAVTEX Forecast, U.S.-Canadian Border to Pt. St George, CA |
SMWSEW | Special Marine Warning* - Seattle, WA |
SMWPQR | Special Marine Warning* - Portland, OR |
SMWMFR | Special Marine Warning* - Medford, OR |
MWSSEW | Marine Weather Statement* - Seattle, WA |
MWSPQR | Marine Weather Statement* - Portland, OR |
MWSMFR | Marine Weather Statement* - Medford, OR |
TSUWCA | Tsunami Advisory/Watch/Warning* |
TSUAK1 | Tsunami Public Message* |
*Non-Routine, event driven product |
U.S. Coast Guard PT. REYES(SAN FRANCISCO), CA NWS Marine Weather Products Broadcast Via NAVTEX (Identifier C) |
OFFN08 | NAVTEX Forecast, Pt. St George, CA to Pt. Piedras, CA |
SMWEKA | Special Marine Warning* - Eureka, CA |
SMWMTR | Special Marine Warning* - San Francisco, CA |
MWSEKA | Marine Weather Statement* - Eureka, CA |
MWSMTR | Marine Weather Statement* - San Francisco, CA |
TSUWCA | Tsunami Advisory/Watch/Warning* |
TSUAK1 | Tsunami Public Message* |
*Non-Routine, event driven product |
U.S. Coast Guard CAMBRIA, CA NWS Marine Weather Products Broadcast Via NAVTEX (Identifier Q) |
OFFN07 | NAVTEX Forecast, Pt. Piedras, CA to Mexican Border |
SMWLOX | Special Marine Warning* - Los Angeles/Oxnard, CA |
SMWSGX | Special Marine Warning* - San Diego, CA |
MWSLOX | Marine Weather Statement* - Los Angeles/Oxnard, CA |
MWSSGX | Marine Weather Statement* - San Diego, CA |
TSUCWA | Tsunami Advisory/Watch/Warning* |
TSUAK1 | Tsunami Public Message* |
*Non-Routine, event driven product |
U.S. Coast Guard KODIAK, AK NWS Marine Weather Products Broadcast Via NAVTEX (Identifier J) |
OFFAJK | Offshore Forecast, Eastern Gulf of Alaska |
OFFAER | Offshore Forecast, Western Gulf of Alaska |
OFFN11 | NAVTEX, Southeast, AK |
OFFN12 | NAVTEX, North Gulf Coast, AK |
SMWAJK | Special Marine Warning* - Juneau, AK |
SMWAFC | Special Marine Warning* - Anchorage, AK |
MWSAJK | Marine Weather Statement* - Juneau, AK |
MWSAFC | Marine Weather Statement* - Anchorage, AK |
ICEAFC | Sea Ice Advisory# |
TSUWCA | Tsunami Advisory/Watch/Warning* |
TSUAK1 | Tsunami Public Message* |
*Non-Routine, event driven product # When advisory contains Cook Inlet information only |
U.S. Coast Guard KODIAK, AK (Previously broadcast from ADAK, AK) NWS Marine Weather Products Broadcast Via NAVTEX (Identifier X) |
OFFALU | Offshore Forecast, Bering Sea |
OFFN13 | NAVTEX, Western AK |
OFFN14 | NAVTEX, NW Alaska |
OFFN15 | NAVTEX, Arctic Alaska |
SMWAFC | Special Marine Warning* - Anchorage, AK |
SMWAFG | Special Marine Warning* - Fairbanks, AK |
MWSAFC | Marine Weather Statement* - Anchorage, AK |
MWSAFG | Marine Weather Statement* - Fairbanks, AK |
TSUWCA | Tsunami Advisory/Watch/Warning* |
TSUAK1 | Tsunami Public Message* |
* Non-Routine, event driven product |
U.S. Coast Guard HONOLULU, HI NWS Marine Weather Products Broadcast Via NAVTEX (Identifier O) |
OFFN10 | NAVTEX Forecast, Honolulu, HI |
SMWHFO | Special Marine Warning* - Honolulu, HI |
MWSHFO | Marine Weather Statement* - Honolulu, HI |
TSUPAC | Tsunami Advisory/Watch/Warning* |
TSUHWX | Tsunami Advisory/Watch/Warning* |
TSUHW1 | Tsunami Public Message* |
*Non-Routine, event driven product |
U.S. Coast Guard MARIANUS(GUAM) NWS Marine Weather Products Broadcast Via NAVTEX (Identifier V) |
CWFMY | Coastal Forecast, Marianus(Guam) |
SMWGUM | Special Marine Warning* - Marianas (Guam) |
MWSGUM | Marine Weather Statement* - Marianas (Guam) |
TSUPAC | Tsunami Advisory/Watch/Warning* |
*Non-Routine, event driven product |