Marine, Tropical and Tsunami Services Branch
National Program
Definitions and Links to Forecasts
Coastal Waters Forecast (CWF) - The marine forecast for areas, including bays, harbors, and sounds, from a line approximating the mean high water mark (average height of high water over a 19-year period) along the mainland or near shore islands extending out to as much as 100 NM.
Offshore Waters Forecast (OFF) - A National Weather Service marine forecast product for that portion of the oceans, gulfs, and seas beyond the coastal waters extending to a specified distance from the coastline, to a specified depth contour, or covering an area defined by specific latitude and longitude points.
High Seas Forecast (HSF) - Marine forecasts for the major oceans of the world. In this context, major gulfs or seas (e.g., the Gulf of America or the Bering Sea) are included within these forecast areas. Areas of responsibility for the U.S. are determined by international agreements under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Marine, Tropical and Tsunami Services Branch
1325 East-West Hwy, 13th floor
Communications Office
Silver Spring, MD 20910
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