National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
National Weather Service Lubbock
Local Hydrometeorological Research Page
A Case Study of Nonmesocyclonic Tornadogenesis Along Convergence Boundaries: West Texas 25 March 2007    
Crafting an Entertaining and Informative Weather Display at the Lubbock Science Spectrum    
Preliminary Observations of Weak Three-Body Scatter Spikes Associated with Low-End Severe Hail    
The Winter Storm of 19-20 January: Why did Lubbock Recieve Less Snowfall Than Forecast?    
An Operational Technique Used to Detect "Mountain Wave Signatures": A forecast Methodology for Severe Westerly Winds in the Mountains of West Texas    
Operational Implications of Model Predicted Low-Level Moisture and Winds Prior to the New Year's Day 2006 Wildfire Outbreak in the Southern Plains    
Operational Practices During the January 12, 2006 Wildfires and Frontal Passage in West Texas    
West Texas Mesonet Observations of Wake Lows and Heat Bursts Across Northwest Texas    
Operational Research Possibilities: Presentation to Texas Tech University Atmospheric Science Group (Microsoft PowerPoint file)    
An Observational Study of the Interaction Between a Supercell and a Mesoscale Boundary