Back in mid-February, Lubbock saw the hottest February temperature since it's records began. We wrote up a short summary about it that you can read HERE. Since then, the warm days kept piling up through the end of the month - resulting the hottest February on record at Lubbock. The chart below shows the daily temperature data for the month (click on the image to enlarge it):
The average temperature at Lubbock during the month of February was 52 degrees, breaking the old record of 51.5 degrees set all the way back in 1932. The chart below shows the top ten warmest Februarys at Lubbock:
It wasn't just unusually warm in Lubbock, records fell across large portions of the continental United States. It was the warmest February on record for the state of Texas:
All-time records were set at 42 Texas weather stations. Across the United States, 705 stations either tied or broke their highest maximum temperatures in February. The unseasonable warmth has resulted in an early start to the growing season across much of the U.S., as can be seen in the map below (click the image to enlarge):