National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
WFO Lubbock Hosts Local
Cooperative Observer Program (COOP) Appreciation Day

October 2024
Meteorologist In Charge (MIC) Justin Weaver discusses the National Weather Service (NWS) with local COOP Observers during COOP Appreciation Day. Picture is courtesy of Adam Przepiora. 
Meteorologist In Charge (MIC) Justin Weaver discusses the National Weather Service (NWS) with local COOP Observers during COOP Appreciation Day. Picture is courtesy of Adam Przepiora. 
On the first Saturday of October 2024, NWS Lubbock opened the doors to all of their local COOP observers. This was the first time in recent memory (20+ years) that all of our COOP observers were formerly invited to the NWS office. This allowed both the observers and NWS meteorologists to put faces to the names, after many years of interacting on the phone, through email and via WxCoder. 
MIC Justin Weaver hands out a Certificate of Appreciation to our COOP Observer from Matador. MIC Justin Weaver hands out a Certificate of Appreciation to our COOP Observer from near Littlefield.
MIC Justin Weaver hands out a Certificate of Appreciation to our COOP Observers from Tahoka. MIC Justin Weaver hands out a Certificate of Appreciation to our COOP Observers from Northfield.
MIC Justin Weaver hands out Certificates of Appreciation to all of the COOP Observer's in attendance. This included observers from Matador (upper left), Littlefield (upper right), Tahoka (lower left) and Northfield (lower right). The images are courtesy of Adam Przepiora.   
The morning kicked off with introductions and casual discussions to get to know each other. Justin Weaver, the MIC, then led a presentation about our local NWS and the NWS as a whole, including what we are responsible for, who we work for (all of the American public!) and what we do. Justin also showed several examples of how the high-quality data the COOP observers take daily are used and stressed the importance of their role in supplying the NWS, and nation as a whole, with the valuable information for little recognition and no financial benefit.
MIC Justin Weaver hands out a Certificate of Appreciation to our Brownfield observer. MIC Justin Weaver hands out a Certificate of Appreciation to our Morton observers.
MIC Justin Weaver hands out a 10 Year Length of Service Award to our Morton observers. MIC Justin Weaver hands out a Certificate of Appreciation to one of our Post observers.
MIC Justin Weaver hands out Certificates of Appreciation to all of the COOP Observer's in attendance. This included observers from Brownfield (upper left), Morton (upper right) and Post (lower right). Our Morton observers also received a Length of Service Award for (lower left) for 10 years of service. The images are courtesy of Adam Przepiora.   
All observers in attendance were then thanked personally for their service and recognized with Certificates of Appreciation. In addition, our Morton and Memphis observers were presented with Length of Service Awards. Our Morton observers were thanked for 10+ years of reliable quality service, while our Memphis observer was recognized for an impressive 40+ years of service!
MIC Justin Weaver and Senior Service Hydrologist (SSH) John Lipe chat with our Memphis observer who received a well-earned 40 Year Length of Service Award. The picture is courtesy of Adam Przepiora.
MIC Justin Weaver and Senior Service Hydrologist (SSH) John Lipe chat with our Memphis observer who received a well-earned 40 Year Length of Service Award. The picture is courtesy of Adam Przepiora.
Following the presentation of the awards, those in attendance went out into the main operations area and were able to interact with the on duty meteorologists, ask questions and see the day-to-day activity within a NWS office.
Meteorologist Harrison Sincavage discusses weather and shows the COOP observers the operations within our NWS office. The picture is courtesy of Adam Przepiora.
Meteorologist Harrison Sincavage discusses weather and shows the COOP observers the operations within our NWS office. The picture is courtesy of Adam Przepiora.
The day concluded with lunch, more chatting and an overall good time getting to know each other.
MIC Justin Weaver hands out a 10 Year Length of Service Award to our Morton observers. MIC Justin Weaver hands out a 10 Year Length of Service Award to our Morton observers.
NWS Lubbock managers and meteorologists talk with the COOP observers and their families. The picture to the right also shows our Denver City COOP observer. The images are courtesy of Adam Przepiora.
For those COOP observers that were not able to attend the COOP Appreciation Day, we'd like to say THANK YOU for your service and for making our job easier! You are much-appreciated!
All attending the COOP Appreciation Day were treated to a lunch, complete with freshly grilled hotdogs and hamburgers. The picture is courtesy of Adam Przepiora.
All attending the COOP Appreciation Day were treated to a lunch, complete with freshly grilled hotdogs and hamburgers. The picture is courtesy of Adam Przepiora.
Lastly, special thanks to members of the WFO Lubbock Outreach Team for making this happen! This includes Marissa Pazos, Jordan Garza and Adam Przepiora.