National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


 Abstracts/Presentations - presented at past National Weather Association Annual Meetings
(Updated September 2011)


37th Annual National Weather Association Meetings 
Madison Wisconsin (October 2012)


Poster Presentation:  Unwarned Tornadoes within the National Weather Service St. Louis County Warning Area: 1995-2011 (Authors Kris Sanders (WFO Topeka) and Fred Glass (WFO St. Louis)


36th Annual National Weather Association Meetings 
Birmingham Alabama (October 2011)


Oral Presentation: Warning Operations and Decision Making for the St. Louis Tornadoes on Good Friday, 22 April 2011.  Fred Glass (NOAA/NWS St. Louis Missouri). 


Oral Presentation:  Factors Contributing to the Lack of Fatalities and Significant Injuries with the 22 April 2011 St. Louis EF-4 Tornado.  Laura Kanofsky (NOAA/NWS St. Louis Missouri).


Oral Presentation:   Warning Strategies and Operational Decisions - Historic New Year's Eve Tornado Outbreak 2010.  James Sieveking (NOAA/NWS St. Louis Missouri). 


 Poster Presentation:  A Damage and Radar Overview of the New Year's Eve 2010 Tornado Outbreak  Fred Glass (NOAA/NWS St. Louis Missouri).

35th Annual National Weather Association Meetings 
Tuscon Arizona, October 2010


Oral Presentation:  A Comparison of Flooding from the Remnants of Hurricane Gustav and Hurricane Ike in the Mid-Mississippi Valley.  Fred Glass (NOAA/NWS St. Louis Missouri (Monday October 4th). 

33rd Annual National Weather Association Meeting -
 Louisville, Kentucky October 2008 


Invited Talk:  Hurricane Iniki 1992. Wes Browning (NOAA/NWS St. Louis Missouri. (Monday October 13, 2008)


Oral Presentation The August 2007 Heat Wave in the NWS St. Louis County Warning Area (CWA).  Fred Glass (NOAA/NWS St. Louis Missouri (Tuesday October 14, 2008)


Invited Talk: The History of the studies of Bow Echoes and their role in the National Weather Service Severe Weather Warning Program.  Ron W. Przybylinski (NOAA/NWS St. Louis Missouri  (Wednesday October 15, 2008)

 31th Annual National Weather Association Meeting -
 Cleveland, Ohio October 2006


Analysis of the Tornado Damage Track from the 06 November 2005 Evansville Indiana Tornado: Observations and Prespectives. Ron W. Przybylinski, Ricky Shanklin, Patrick Spoden and Christine Wielgos (NOAA / NWS St. Louis and NWS Paducah Kentucky)

 30th National Weather Association Annual Meeting -
 St. Louis, Missouri October 15th-20th, 2005


Environmental Conditions Associated with Cool-Season Strong and Violent Tornadoes in the Middle Mississippi Valley Region   Mark F. Britt and Fred H. Glass (NOAA / NWS St. Louis)  


An Overview of the May 10, 2003 Tornado Outbreak.  Fred H. Glass (NOAA / NWS St. Louis)


Damaging Surface Wind Mechanisms and Non-Supercell Tornadoes with the May 24, 2004 Bow Echo event over northeast Missouri and west-central Illinois.  Ron W. Przybylinski and Gary K. Schmocker  (NOAA / NWS St. Louis)


The Bow Echo Severe Wind Event of 06 May 2003 across eastern Missouri.  Jim Sieveking and Ron W. Przybylinski  (NOAA / NWS St. Louis)

27th National Weather Association Annual Meeting -
 Dallas, TX October 2002



Brief Overview of Two-Tornadic Quasi-Linear Convective Systems (QLCS) over the Mid-Mississippi Valley Region during the Spring 2002 Severe Storm Season. Ron W. Przybylinski and Gary K. Schmocker (NOAA / NWS St. Louis). 

26th National Weather Association Annual Meeting - 
Spokane, WA October 13th-19th, 2001



Brief Overview of Two-Isolated Cell - Convective Line Mergers leading towards Tornadogenesis - Two very challenging cases. Ron W. Przybylinski and Gary K. Schmocker (NOAA / NWS St. Louis)



Forecasting the initial Onset of Damaging Winds Using the Mid-Altitude Radial Convergence (MARC) velocity signature. Gary. K. Schmocker and Ron W. Przybylinski (NOAA / NWS St. Louis).

2001  National Weather Association Severe Weather Conference
Des Moines, IA March 2001


Observational Study of a Midwestern Severe Wind Mesoscale Convective System (MCS) on 29 June 1998: A Single Doppler Analysis.  J.T. Martinelli*, R. W. Przybylinski (WFO St. Louis) and Y.J. Lin* (*Saint Louis University)

 25th National Weather Association Annual Meeting -
Gaithersburg, MD October 2000


The Study of Isolated Cell - Convective Line Mergers: Preliminary Observations of Four Cases Across the Mid-Mississippi Valley Region. R. W. Przybylinski and G.K. Schmocker (WFO St. Louis)

24th National Weather Association Annual Meeting -
Biloxi, MS October 1999


14 June 1998 Bow Echo Event over East-central Missouri.  Gary K. Schmocker and Ron W. Przybylinski (WFO St. Louis MO)


11 February 1999 Tornadic Event over East-central Missouri and southwest Illinois.  Ron W. Przybylinski and Gary K. Schmocker (WFO St. Louis MO)