National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
MCS Distributions banner
last updated: February 16, 2007
Monthly MCS Distribution for the period 1992 - 2006 (Cases studied - 38 events / cases under study 7 MCS events).
(Updated) MCS Severe Wind Frequency by time of day for 38 cases across the WFO St. Louis County Warning Area (CWA)  for the period 1992 - 2006.  Ordinate - number of reports.    Abscissa - time of day (Local Standard Time).  Damage Reports on this graph are from STORM DATA. Note the greatest number of reports occur between 4:00 PM and 8:00 PM Local Time.
(Updated) Tornado Frequency by time of day for 20 QLCS days where non-supercell tornadoes occurred with the QLCS over the WFO St. Louis County Warning Area (CWA). Period covers 1992-2006.  Note the greatest frequency of tornado touchdowns occurred between 1700 - 1900 UTC.  F-scale of tornadic damage is shown in the following colors: F0 - blue; F1 - green; and F2 - orange.
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