National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Martin Luther King Day Climatology

St. Louis, MO

Daily Record

High Temperature

Low Temperature

Average Temp



Morning Snow Depth

Max 68 (1990) 52 (1880) 57 (1880) 1.34 (1913) 10.9 (1979) 9 (1979)
Min 6 (1885) -12 (1977) -1 (1977) 0 0 0
Average 38 22 30 0.05 0.3 -
Total Occurrences - - - 44 (≥ 0.01) 18 (≥ 0.1) 29 (≥ 1.0)
Total Occurrences - - - 73 (≥ T) 42 (≥ T) 49 (≥ T)

Fun Facts

  1. There have been 9 days with low temperatures zero and below.
  2. There is a 25% chance the St. Louis area will have at least 1" of snow on the ground.
  3. The chance for measurable precipitation on MLK Day is 30% and the chance of measurable snowfall is 14%.

Period of Record

  • Temperature and Precipitation: 1874 - present
  • Snowfall: 1892 - present
  • Snow Depth: 1893 - present
Columbia, MO

Daily Record

High Temperature

Low Temperature

Average Temp



Morning Snow Depth

Max 73 (1957) 45 (1894) 59 (1957) 0.75 (1913) 6.1 (1978) 10 (1987)
Min 4 (1935) -18 (1977) -3 (1977) 0 0 0
Average 38 20 29 0.05 0.2 -
Total Occurrences - - - 41 (≥ 0.01) 19 (≥ 0.1) 35 (≥ 1.0)
Total Occurrences - - - 63 (≥ T) 42 (≥ T) 55 (≥ T)

Fun Facts

  1. There have been 14 days with low temperatures zero and below.
  2. There is a 28% chance the Columbia area will have at least 1" of snow on the ground.
  3. The chance of measurable precipitation in Columbia on MLK Day is 30% and the chance of measurable snowfall is 14%.

Period of Record

  • Temperature and Precipitation: 1890 - present
  • Snowfall: 1890 - present
  • Snow Depth: 1893 - present
Quincy, IL

Daily Record

High Temperature

Low Temperature

Average Temp


Max 69 (1957) 46 (1933) 54 (1957) 0.78 (1957)
Min 4 (1977, 1970) -19 (1977)) -8 (1977) 0
Average 33 17 25 0.04
Total Occurrences - - - 28 (≥ 0.01)

Fun Facts

  1. There have been 15 days with low temperatures zero and below.
  2. The chance of measurable precipitation on MLK Day is 23%.

Period of Record

  • Temperature and Precipitation: 1901 - present
  • No Snowfall or Snow Depth due to incomplete datasets.