National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


  Christmas Climatology  


Saint Louis, Missouri

 Daily Records  Daily High Temperature Daily Low Temperature  Daily Average Temperature  Daily Precipitation  Daily Snowfall Morning Snow Depth
 71 (1889) 56 (1889)  64 (1889)  0.94 (1913) 9.2 (1913)  8 (1915)
 7 (1983) -13 (1983) -3 (1983) 0 0 0
 40 25 32 0.05 0.1 -
 Number of


 - 35 (≥ 0.01) 16 (≥ 0.1) 23 (≥ 1.0)
 Number of
 -  -  -  69 (≥ Trace)  40 (≥ T) 40 (≥ T)

  Fun Facts!

  • To be considered a white Christmas, there needs to be at least 1 inch of snow on the ground by 6:00 am Christmas Day.
  • There is a 20% chance the St. Louis area will have a white Christmas!
  • Last White Christmas: 2022 (1 inch snow depth)
  • There have been 4 days with low temperatures zero and below.
  • The chance for measurable precipitation on Christmas Day is 25% and the chance of measurable snowfall is 13%.

(1874-present) Temperature/Precipitation
(1892-present) Snowfall
(1893-present) Snow Depth


Columbia, Missouri

 Daily Records Daily High Temperature  Daily Low Temperature  Daily Average Temperature  Daily Precipitation Daily Snowfall  Morning Snow Depth
 74 (1889)  53 (1936) 59 (1936)  0.56 (1957)  3.4 (1987)  10 (1915)
 6 (1983)  -19 (1983) -7 (1983)  0  0  0



31  0.03  0.1 -
 Number of
 -  -  - 29 (≥ 0.01)  15 (≥0.1) 28 (≥ 1.0)
 Number of
 - -  - 49 (≥ Trace) 36 (≥ T) 49 (≥ T)

  Fun Facts!

  • To be considered a white Christmas there needs to be at least 1 inch of snow on the ground by 6:00 am Christmas Day.
  • There is a 22% chance the Columbia area will have a White Christmas!
  • Last White Christmas: 2022 (1 inch snow depth)
  • There have been 5 days with low temperatures zero and below.
  • The chance of measurable precipitation in Columbia on Christmas Day is 22% and the chance of measurable snowfall is 11%.
(1890-present) Temperature/Precipitation
(1890-present) Snowfall
(1893-present) Snow Depth

Quincy, Illinois

Daily Records Daily High Temperature Daily Low Temperature Daily Average Temperature Daily Precipitation  Daily Snowfall Morning Snow Depth
 66 (2019)  51 (1936)  56 (2019/1936)  1.02 (1915)  -  -
 -2 (1983) -16 (1983) -9 (1983)  0  -  -
 36  20 28  0.04  -  -
 Number of
 -  -  -  26 (≥ 0.01)  -  -

     Fun Facts!

  • There have been 7 days with low temperatures zero and below.
  • The chance of measurable precipitation on Christmas Day is 21%.

(1901-present) Temperature/Precipitation
No Snowfall or Snow Depth due to incomplete data sets