National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


Radar image of line of stormsDuring the night on May 6, 2024, a line of severe thunderstorms moved across western Missouri and impacted the NWS St. Louis forecast area during the early morning of May 7. While damaging straight-line wind was observed across parts of the region, three QLCS tornadoes were detected. About 30 hours later, the region was threatened with additional severe thunderstorms on May 8. Numerous supercells produced very large hail most of the day, and another small QLCS produced multiple tornadoes in southeast Missouri. Below is a summary of each tornado that was surveyed by NWS St. Louis, along with some pictures of the largest hailstones. Unless otherwise stated, all damage survey results are preliminary. 


Pictured is radar reflectivity from KLSX at 4:20 AM on May 7, 2024

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