National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Atmospheric River in the Pacific Northwest and Northern Rockies this Weekend

A Pacific storm and atmospheric river will impact the Pacific Northwest states and northern Rockies this weekend, bringing locally heavy low elevations rain and heavy high elevation snow in the mountains. By Sunday over the Interior Northwest, rain combined with snowmelt will increase the risk of flood hazards. Flood Watches are in effect. Read More >

Snow Amount Potential
Experimental -
Expected Snowfall - Official NWS Forecast

What's this?
High End Amount
1 in 10 Chance (10%) of Higher Snowfall

What's this?
Low End Amount
9 in 10 Chance (90%) of Higher Snowfall

What's this?

Low End Amount – 9 in 10 Chance (90%) of Higher Snowfall


This map depicts a reasonable lower-end snowfall amount for the time period shown on the graphic, based on many computer model simulations of possible snowfall totals. This lower amount is an unlikely scenario with a 9 in 10, or 90% chance that more snow will fall, and only a 1 in 10, or 10% chance that less snow will fall. This number can help serve as a lower-end scenario for planning purposes.

Expected Snowfall - Official NWS Forecast


This map is the official NWS snowfall forecast in inches during the time period shown on the graphic. This snowfall amount is determined by NWS forecasters to be the most likely outcome based on evaluation of data from computer models, satellite, radar, and other observations.

High End Amount – Only a 1 in 10 Chance (10%) of Higher Snowfall


This map depicts a reasonable upper-end snowfall amount for the time period shown on the graphic, based on many computer model simulations of possible snowfall totals. This higher amount is an unlikely scenario, with only a 1 in 10, or 10% chance that more snow will fall, and a 9 in 10, or 90% chance that less snow will fall. This number can help serve as an upper-end scenario for planning purposes.

The purpose of these experimental probabilistic snowfall products is to provide customers and partners a range of snowfall possibilities, in complement to existing NWS deterministic snowfall graphics, to better communicate forecast uncertainties during winter weather events. For more information visit this project's Product/Service Description Document, and please provide us your feedback here.
Percent Chance That Snow Amounts Will Be Greater Than...
Experimental -
What's this?

Percent Chance That Snow Amounts Will Be Greater Than


This series of maps shows the probability (that is, the likelihood) that snowfall will equal or exceed specific amounts during the time period shown on the graphic. These forecasts are based on many computer model simulations of possible snowfall totals.

Hover over thumbnails below to view larger image.

Snowfall Totals by Location
Experimental -
What's this?

Snowfall Totals by Location


These tables show the snowfall forecast for individual locations, and provide the same information as the graphics on this web page, just shown in a different way. All of these values are valid for the same time period as depicted on the graphics.

Winter Storm Severity Index (WSSI) Winter Storm Outlook (WSO)
Winter Storm Severity Index
Winter Storm Outlook
What's this? What's this?

Winter Storm Severity

The purpose of the Winter Storm Severity Index (WSSI) is to provide NWS partners and the general public with an indication of the level of winter precipitation (snow and ice) severity and its potential related societal impacts. The WSSI does not depict official warnings, and should always be used in context with official NWS forecasts and warnings. Because this is a prototype, it may not update in a timely fashion. Always check the creation and valid times.

Winter Storm Outlook

The NWS’s The Experimental Winter Storm Outlook (WSO) is based on a combination of the Weather Prediction Center’s (WPC’s) Probabilistic Winter Precipitation Forecasts (PWPF) and local National Weather Service (NWS) snow and ice accumulation warning criteria. Therefore, the WSO provides an early alert to hazardous winter weather conditions in a similar fashion to other national center outlooks, and also assists with NWS Winter Storm Watch and Warning decision making.

National Snow Reports National Snowfall Analysis
National Snow Reports
National Snowfall Analysis
What's this? What's this?

National Snowfall Reports

Observed snowfall reports from the last 24 hours.

National Snowfall Analysis

The National Gridded Snowfall Analysis estimates snowfall in the recent past by gathering several operational data sets into a unified analysis. Snowfall observations are provided by numerous observing networks, including ASOS, COOP, CoCoRaHS, FAA, NWS spotters, and others.


Days 4-7 Winter Weather Outlook

Days 4-7

Day 4 Winter Weather Outlook Day 5 Winter Weather Outlook
Day 4 Winter Weather Outlook Day 5 Winter Weather Outlook
Day 6 Winter Weather Outlook Day 7 Winter Weather Outlook
Day 6 Winter Weather Outlook Day 7 Winter Weather Outlook


CPC Week-2 Experimental Heavy Snow Risk
CPC Temperature and Precipitation Maps

Days 6-10

Temperature  Precipitation
6-10 day temperature 6-10 day precipitation

Days 8-14

8-14 day temperature 8-14 day precipitation

Week 3-4



Week 3-4 Temperature Week 3-4 precipitation