National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Morning White Castle, LA Tornado - February 23, 2016

Estimated Maximum Wind:
65 mph
Damage Path Length:
3.3 miles
Maximum Path Width:
50 yards
Approximate Start Point/Time:
3.4 miles SW of White Castle, LA at 1120 AM
Approximate End Point/Time:
0.6 miles W of White Castle, LA at 1125 AM


A National Weather Service Damage Assessment Team has surveyed the storm damage near White Castle, LA. It has been determined the damage was the result of a tornado. The tornado has been rated an EF-0 on the Enhanced Fujita Scale. Damage estimates were consistent with winds of 65 mph.

Intermittent damage was found. Damage consisted of peeled back tin roofs, damage to power lines, and downing of large tree branches. The tornado damage path was 3.3 miles long and was 50 yards wide at its widest point.

White Castle, LA tornado track morning of Feb 23, 2016
Surveyed damage track in White Castle, LA  Download in KML  Disclaimer



Damaged Power Pole

Tin Roof Damaged on Mobile Home

Tin Removed from Implement Shed

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