National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

NWSEO proposed and NWS agreed to discuss the following Articles from April 4 through April 13:

Article 1       Purpose of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
This Article sets forth who the parties are to the agreement (NWS and NWSEO). In addition, it reinforces that the ensuing Articles are for promotion of “employee-management cooperation”.

Article 2       Certification and Unit Designation.
This Article acknowledges management’s recognition of NWSEO as the exclusive union representing employees in the bargaining unit. In addition, it expressly defines what employees are excluded from the union bargaining unit.

Article 3       Laws and Regulations
This Article memorializes the laws, rules and regulations that the parties are bound to follow.

Article 4       Rights of Management
This Article memorializes the Rights retained by Management under the law to determine budget, organization, number of employees, internal security practices as well as its right to hire, discipline, assign and direct work, make selections for appointments, among other things in support of NWS’ mission.

Article 17       Training and Development
This Article covers the method and means by which NWS will provide training to employees. It expressly recognizes the importance to NWS that training its employees enhances their knowledge, skills and abilities and promotion potential necessary in an evolving NWS.