National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Enhanced Weather Briefing – Dangerous Cold & Winter Storm Watches

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     A very potent squall line moved across the NWS Jacksonville Forecast Area on Friday morning May 10, 2024. This system produced many severe weather reports across a good portion of the forecast area.  The squall line moved very fast to east at around 60 mph, producing a wide swath of wind damage from Suwannee and Hamilton counties eastward to the Jacksonville Metro area.  Luckily, no reports of tornadoes were received, but significant winds were realized based on surface reports and an NWS Storm Survey. The storm survey revealed damage up to near 80-100 mph over Suwannee county that caused many downed trees, either uprooted or snapped.. What did prove to be a challenge for radar warning operations for more detailed radar analysis was that Moody Radar (KVAX) was down and had been down since April 24th.  Furthermore, the 88D Tallahassee Radar went down around 11 UTC when the squall line was passed over the radar site.

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