- Relative
Humidity - Min RH
Probability - Wind
Gusts - Probability Wind Gust
≥25 mph - Chance
of Rain - Heat
Index - High/Low
Temperatures - Mixing
Height - Transport
Wind - Probability 20 ft Wind
≥15 mph - Wind 20ft
Morning - Wind 20ft
Early Aftn - Wind 20ft
Late Aftn - Min/Max
Dispersion - Fog
Forecast - Max Low Vis
Occurrence Risk Index - Fire Temperature
RGB to Highlight Fires
Relative Humidity (%)
Visibility (Fog) Forecast (miles)
![]() |
Probability 20 ft Wind Speed ≥15 mph
Probability Maximum Wind Gust ≥25 mph
Minimum Relative Humidity Probabilities (%)
Wind Gusts (mph)
Chance of Rain (%)
Maximum Heat Indexes (°F)
Temperatures (°F)
Mixing Height (agl)
Transport Wind (mph)
Wind 20ft Late Afternoon 9 am to Noon (mph)
Wind 20ft Early Afternoon Noon to 3 pm (mph)
Wind 20ft Late Afternoon 3 pm to 6 pm (mph)
Max Daytime and Min Nighttime Dispersion
Maximum Low Visibility Occurrence Risk Index
Fire Temperature RGB Used to Highlight Fires