- Max Wind
Speed Forecast - Max Wind
Gust Forecast - Prob Sustained
Wind ≥15kt - Prob Sustained
Wind ≥20kt - Prob Gale Force
Gusts ≥34kt - Prob Sustained Gale
Force Winds ≥34kt - Prob Storm Force
Gusts ≥48kt - Prob Sustained Storm
Force Winds ≥48kt - Prob Hurricane Force
Gusts ≥64kt - Prob Sustained Hurricane
Force Winds ≥64kt - Wave Height
Forecast - Wave Period
Forecast - Visibilty (Fog)
Forecast - Prob Visibilty (Fog)
≤3 miles - Prob Marine Dense Fog
Advisory Vis ≤1 mile
Probability of Gale Force Gusts 34 knots or Higher
Probability of Storm Force Gusts 48 knots or Higher
Probability of Hurricane Force Gusts 64 knots or Higher
Probability of Sustained Gale Force Winds 34 knots or Higher
Probability of Sustained Storm Force Winds 48 knots or Higher
Probability of Sustained Hurricane Force Winds 64 knots or Higher
Probability of Sustained Winds 15 knots or Higher
Probability of Sustained Winds 20 knots or Higher
Max Wind Forecast (knots)
Wave Height Forecast (feet)
Wave Period Forecast (feet)
Max Wind Gust Forecast (knots)
Visibility (Fog) Forecast (miles)
Probability Visibility (Fog) ≤3 miles
Probability Marine Dense Fog Advisory with Visibility (Fog) ≤1 mile