National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Strong System Bring High Winds, Severe Weather, and Critical Fire Weather Conditions

High winds and dry conditions may produce dust storms and widespread critical to extremely critical fire-weather conditions across much of the southern High Plains today. Severe weather may produce several tornadoes, severe wind gusts, and large hail tonight and overnight across parts of the Southern Plains. Heavy mountain snow will continue from the Sierra Nevada into the Central Rockies today. Read More >

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Last Map Update: Mon, Mar 3, 2025 at 5:52:25 pm AST

Mar 3rd: Stronger showers will develop and linger across northwestern Puerto Rico today. There is an elevated risk of urban and small stream flooding, rapid river rises, and isolated mudslides for this area.
Mar 3: Se espera que se formen y perduren aguaceros sobre el noroeste de Puerto Rico. El riesgo de inundaciones urbanas y riachuelos es elevado, y se podrían registrar golpes de agua y deslizamientos aislados.
[Mar 3rd] There is a moderate risk of rip currents for St. Croix today. Low risk elsewhere, however, life-threatening rip currents often occur in the vicinity of groins, jetties, reefs, and piers. #USVIwx #PRwx
[3 de marzo] Hoy existe un riesgo moderado de corrientes marinas para St. Croix. El riesgo es bajo en otras costas, sin embargo, corrientes marinas amenazantes a la vida suelen ocurrir en las cercanías de malecones, arrecifes y muelles. #USVIwx #PRwx
The 5 Day Weather Outlook for the workweek from March 3 to 7, 2025 for Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. | La perspectiva del tiempo a 5 días para esta semana laboral desde el 3 de marzo hasta el 7 del 2025 para Puerto Rico y las Islas Vírgenes Estadounidenses.
TJUA Radar - Cayey, P.R.