National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
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Last Map Update: Mon, Mar 3, 2025 at 4:24:48 am CST

Strong winds will impact all of Middle Tennessee on Tuesday and into Tuesday night with gusts of 30 to 45 mph with a medium chance that gusts exceed 50 mph. These strong winds can blow away lightweight and loose outdoor objects, down trees and tree branches, and cause sporadic power outages. Secure any outdoor objects now and use caution if driving Tuesday.
High chance of thunderstorms, but the threat for severe weather is low Tuesday evening. Main impacts would be damaging winds and heavy rain. Stay tuned for forecast updates.
Shown on the map are the expected high temperatures, weather conditions, and probabilities of precipitation for today.
Shown on the map are the expected low temperatures, weather conditions, and probabilities of precipitation for tonight.
Shown on the map are the expected high temperatures, weather conditions, and probabilities of precipitation for Tuesday.
Online SKYWARN storm spotter classes continue


Middle Tennessee Weather History For March 3rd...
On March 3, 2020...A single supercell thunderstorm tracked eastward
across the entire length of Tennessee near and north of I-40,
spawning at least 10 tornadoes. An EF-3 tornado touched down west of
John Tune Airport in west Nashville at 12:32 AM and tracked for over
60 miles across Davidson, Wilson, and Smith counties, passing just
1/2 mile north of the state capitol building in downtown Nashville,
and causing 5 deaths, 220 injuries, and hundreds of millions of
dollars in damage. The 60.13 mile path length of this tornado is the
longest in Middle Tennessee since official tornado records began in
1950, and is also one of the longest known tornado paths ever in the
state of Tennessee. In addition, this was the first tornado to strike
within the downtown loop of Nashville since 2000. Less than an hour
later, an EF4 tornado moved across central Putnam County just before
2:00 AM, killing 19 people, injuring 87 others, and destroying dozens
of homes and businesses. This was the worst tornado in the Upper
Cumberland since 1974, and deadliest tornado in Putnam County


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