National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
Click a location below for detailed forecast.

Last Map Update: Fri, Feb 28, 2025 at 5:56:08 pm PST

System #1, Friday-Saturday (Feb 28-Mar 1) Details: Totals: 0.00-0.10 inches. Peak Rates: 0.00-0.05 inch/hr. System #2, Sunday-Monday (Mar 2-3) Details: Totals: 0.05-0.25 inches. Isolated 0.25-0.50 inches possible. Peak Rates: 0.01-0.10 inch/hr. Isolated 0.10-0.25 in/hr. possible. System #3, Tuesday Night-Thursday (Mar 4-6) Details: Totals: 0.10-0.50 inches, with 0.50-1.00 inches favored hills. Peak Rates: 0.10-0.25 inch/hr. Isolated 0.25-0.33 in/hr possible. Risk of high totals/rates is near zero.
West to Northwest Winds Peak Gusts: 30-50 mph common Focused over: Oceans (including nearshore) Many mountains Interior Valleys Potential Impacts: Dangerous seas for mariners Hazardous driving conditions Blown over objects



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