National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
Soaring Forecast for Southwest Ohio                                
Forecast Preparation Time/Date........00:10 GMT Wed Jul 03 2024                  
Upper Air Data Collection Time/Date...12:00 GMT Tue Jul 02 2024     
Forecast is based on upper air data collected at Wilmington, OH.   
Elevation 1060 feet.                                               
Height          Wind          Wind           Temp           Soaring
(ft AGL)        Direction     Speed(kts)     (Deg C)        Index  
3000            165           10             17             -5.0
5000            210           02             15             -0.5
7000            210           03             12              3.0
Temperature needed for lift to 3000 ft agl (Trigger Temp)..80 
Time at which trigger temperature will be reached..........1 pm
Maximum Temperature for the day............................90 Deg F
Maximum altitude of thermals...............................5400 (ft agl)
Height where cumulus will form.............................No Cu Expected (ft agl)
Base of cumulus during the afternoon.......................No Cu Expected (ft agl)
Total Sky Cover in Eighths (Oktas) (11 AM to 4 PM).........5
Implications of specific soaring indices:
-4 or Less............Excellent
-2 or -1..............Fair
Zero or Greater.......Poor