NWS Wilmington, NC
Weather Forecast Office
NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards is a free public service provided by the National Weather Service. It consists of continuous broadcasts of current weather conditions and forecasts as well as hazard (weather and non-weather) information as needed.
National Weather Service Wilmington, NC operates 5 weather radio transmitters serving portions of southeast NC and northeast SC. The map below displays the frequency and coverage area of each transmitter. The six-digit numbers displayed below each county name are the FIPS (Federal Information Processing System) codes used to program weather radios with the SAME (Specific Area Message Encoding) feature. More information about local NWR broadcasts can be found here.
Broadcasts are automatically generated using a computer system which translates text forecasts and other products into audio when they are issued.
Weather radios can be purchased at most electronics and department stores, or over the internet. Different models are available with a variety of features and prices. Some models can even be customized with your county FIPS code so they will only alarm for certain warnings for certain areas. For additional information, check out the NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards page.
Local Forecasts
Rain and Rivers
Fire Weather
Beach, Rip Current and Surf
Rip Current Risk
Surf Forecast
Coastal Flood
Weather Activity Planner
Forecast Graph/Tab/Text
Model Guidance
Mobile Weather
Briefing Page
Local Hazards
Hazardous Weather Outlook
Latest Briefing
Social Media Feeds
EM Briefing
NOAA Weather Radio
Submit Storm Report
Current Conditions
Marine Obs (List)
Observations Map
Marine Obs (Map)
Local Observations (List)
Regional Temps and Precipitation
Daily Temp and Precip Summary
NWS Wilmington Radar
Southeast Regional Radar
Enhanced National Radar
National Radar
Past Weather and Hydrology
Local Climate Records
Climate Plots
Local Hydro Information
Rainfall and Rivers
Past Significant Events
Weather History Calendar
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
NWS Wilmington, NC
2015 Gardner Drive
Wilmington, NC 28405
(910) 762-4289
Comments? Questions? Please Contact Us.
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