A strong storm will move across the Intermountain West into the Northern Great Plains bringing widespread high winds with increasing snow. An intense and fast-moving line of severe storms is expected across the Mississippi Valley into the Ohio Valley beginning Friday afternoon. A wildfire outbreak is possible across parts of the southern and central Plains due to strong winds and dry conditions. Read More >
Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) v12.2.0 Updated Products
General information can be found on MRMS’s VLab community page
at https://vlab.noaa.gov/web/mrms/
Canadian C-band and S-band Radars
Removing all remaining C-band (single pol) radars provided by Canada’s radar network.
Adding new S-band (dual pol) radars from Canada’s upgraded radar network.
Affected products: Adding the new S-band Canadian radars to the MRMS system will not result in any new products. However, the S-band radars are more fully integrated into MRMS than the C-bands. See Table 1 for a list of products that previously lacked input from Canadian radars but will include the S-bands with MRMS v12.2. All GRIB2 and GeoTIFF formatted products are available via LDM and NCEP web services. NIDS products are available via LDM only.
Domain(s) | Product Name | Format |
MergedBaseReflectivity |
MergedBaseReflectivityQC *On SBN with WMO code YAUQ01* |
MergedReflectivityComposite |
MergedReflectivityQComposite |
ReflectivityAtLowestAltitude *On SBN with WMO code YAUS22* |
MergedRhoHV_[level] |
MergedZdr_[level] |
MergedAzShear0to2kmAGL |
MergedAzShear3to6kmAGL |
RotationTrack[30,60,120,360,1440]min *60 and 1440min on SBN with WMO code YAUS04* |
GRIB2, NIDS (30,60,120,1440) |
RotationTrackML[30,60,120,360,1440]min *60 and 1440min on SBN with WMO code YAUS06* |
Table 1. List of products that previously did not include any Canadian radars but will include S-bands with MRMS v12.2
For reference, the vertical levels are: 00.50, 00.75, 01.00, 01.25, 01.50, 01.75, 02.00, 02.25, 02.50, 02.75, 03.00, 03.50, 04.00, 04.50, 05.00, 05.50, 06.00, 06.50, 07.00, 07.50, 08.00, 08.50, 09.00, 10.00, 11.00, 12.00, 13.00, 14.00, 15.00, 16.00, 17.00, 18.00, 19.00 km MSL.
Special note: Given the nature of the top down volume scanning of the new S-Band Canada radar, there is the potential for higher tilts to be missing in the calculation of the following products –
MergedReflectivityQComposite (max method)
MergedReflectivityComposite (unQC)
ReflectivityAtLowestAltitude (unQC)
Caution should be exercised in using these products as they may contain muted values. NSSL is currently working on improving the accuracy of these products and will update accordingly.
Velocity Dealiasing and Circulation
Dealiasing logic was updated to use the techniques of Build 19 ORPG and address minor bugs.
Improved stability of circulation calculations.
Affected products are listed in Table 2. All GRIB2 formatted products are available via LDM and NCEP web services. NIDS products are available via LDM only.
Domain(s) |
Product Name |
Format |
CONUS Caribbean Guam Hawaii |
MergedAzShear0to2kmAGL |
MergedAzShear3to6kmAGL |
RotationTrack[30,60,120,360,1440]min *60 and 1440min on SBN with WMO code YAUS04 (CONUS)* |
GRIB2, NIDS (CONUS only: 30,60,120,1440min) |
RotationTrackML[30,60,120,360,1440]min *60 and 1440min on SBN with WMO code YAUS06 (CONUS)* |
Table 2. List of products that will benefit from updates to dealiasing and circulation algorithms.
Radar Quality Control
Added quality control customized for Canadian S-band radars
Added checks to identify and remove bad observations due to hardware issues
Improved removal of wind farm residual clutter.
Corrected an error in the Kdp derivation caused by range folding returns found in high elevation scans.
Affected products: Nearly all MRMS products will be affected by the update to Radar QC with the following exceptions:
All raw (unQC’d) fields
Quantitative Precipitation Estimates (QPE) and Related Products
(Seamless HSR) Upgraded the method for identifying and correcting areas of bright band contamination. As a result, the radar QPE overestimation bias near the radar for low melting layer events is mitigated and underestimation at far ranges is significantly reduced. Uncertainties in the radar QPE are also reduced.
(PrecipFlag) Updated PrecipFlag to mitigate false convective identifications in strong bright band areas.
(Dual pol QPE) Refined R(A) and R(KDP) QPE calculations and significantly reduced QPE variability.
(Dual pol QPE) Improved melting layer estimates, which enhanced the mitigation of ice contamination for precipitation estimated via specific attenuation and extended the range of the application of polarmetric QPE.
(Dual pol QPE) Reduced precip rate overestimates in the Western CONUS by refining the identification of deep convection.
Affected products are listed in Table 3. All GRIB2 and GeoTIFF formatted products are available via LDM and NCEP web services. NIDS products are available via LDM only.
Domain(s) |
Product Name |
Format |
CONUS Alaska Caribbean Guam Hawaii |
SeamlessHSR |
SeamlessHSRHeight |
RadarQualityIndex |
RadarAccumulationQualityIndex_[01,03,06,12,24,48,72]H |
PrecipFlag *On SBN with WMO code YAUS06 (CONUS)* |
PrecipRate *On SBN with WMO codes YAUP02 (CONUS), YAAP02 (Alaska), YAHP02 (Hawaii)* |
SyntheticPrecipRateID |
RadarOnly_QPE_15M RadarOnly_QPE_[01,03,06,12,24,48,72]H RadarOnly_QPE_Since12Z *01-72H QPE on SBN with WMO codes YAUP03 (CONUS), YAAP03 (Alaska), YAHP03 (Hawaii)* |
GRIB, NIDS (CONUS: 01-24H, Since12Z) (Alaska, Hawaii: 01H, 12H, Since12Z) |
MultiSensor_QPE_[01,03,06,12,24,48,72]H_Pass1 *On SBN with WMO codes YAUP04 (CONUS), YAAP04 (Alaska), YAHP04 (Hawaii)* |
MultiSensor_QPE_[01,03,06,12,24,48,72]H_Pass2 *On SBN with WMO codes YAUP06 (CONUS), YAAP06 (Alaska), YAHP06 (Hawaii)* |
Table 3. List of products that will benefit from improvements to MRMS’s QPE-related algorithms.
XMRG HRAP QPE Adjustments
Applied a QPE minimum threshold of 0.3 mm (~0.01 inch) for QPEs in XMRG HRAP format for the Northeast and Lower Mississippi River Forecast Centers.
NOTE: XMRG HRAP files for other RFCs / FOs and QPE written in other formats (e.g., GRIB2) will not be thresholded.
Affected products are listed in Table 4. XMRG products are available via LDM only.
Domain(s) |
Product Name |
Format |
RadarOnly_QPE_01H XMRG: q3rad/1h_acc/xmrg*z.gz |
MultiSensor_QPE_01H_Pass1 XMRG: q3ms_pass1/1h_acc/xmrg*z.gz |
MultiSensor_QPE_01H_Pass2 XMRG: q3ms_pass2/1h_acc/xmrg*z.gz |
Table 4. XMRG formatted products with new thresholding applied.
QPE Corrections - Hawaii only
Corrected grid coordinates for Hawaii’s Multi-Sensor QPE and Gauge Influence Index products (Pass1 and Pass2). Prior to this correction, the products were offset by half a grid cell (0.0025 degree latitude/longitude or ~250m)
Affected products are listed in Table 5. All GRIB2 formatted products are available via LDM and NCEP web services.
Domain(s) |
Product Name |
Format |
Hawaii |
MultiSensor_QPE_[01,03,06,12,24,48,72]H_Pass1 *On SBN with WMO code YAHP04* |
MultiSensor_QPE_[01,03,06,12,24,48,72]H_Pass2 *On SBN with WMO code YAHP06* |
GaugeInflIndex_[01,03,06,12,24,48,72]H_Pass1 |
GaugeInflIndex_[01,03,06,12,24,48,72]H_Pass2 |
Table 5. List of products with small grid coordinate correction.
Gauge Processing
Improved gauge processing and reference data to allow for more gauges to be integrated into MRMS and done so with greater accuracy and reliability.
Affected products are listed in Table 6. All GRIB2 formatted products are available via LDM and NCEP web services.
Domain(s) |
Product Name |
Format |
CONUS Alaska Caribbean Guam Hawaii |
MultiSensor_QPE_[01,03,06,12,24,48,72]H_Pass1 *On SBN with WMO codes YAUP04 (CONUS), YAAP04 (Alaska), YAHP04 (Hawaii)* |
MultiSensor_QPE_[01,03,06,12,24,48,72]H_Pass2 *On SBN with WMO codes YAUP06 (CONUS), YAAP06 (Alaska), YAHP06 (Hawaii)* |
GaugeInflIndex_[01,03,06,12,24,48,72]H_Pass1 |
GaugeInflIndex_[01,03,06,12,24,48,72]H_Pass2 |
Table 6. List of products that will benefit from MRMS v12.2’s improved gauge processing.