The National Weather Service issues a variety of severe weather warnings, watches, advisories, and statements. These warnings, watches, etc. may be issued for a single forecast zone (usually one county or a part of a county) or for many forecast zones. The events are indicated on the map by different colors. Only one event per forecast zone can be shown on the map at a time, a forecast zone may have several warnings and watches in effect but only the most significant threat to life or property is displayed on the map. By clicking on the map to the forecast pages, you can read the text of all warnings, watches, etc. in effect for the forecast zone.
The map updates approximately every 5 minutes with all warnings, watches, advisories, and statements in effect.
Universal Time Coordinated is a standard time convention used in taking weather observations. To learn more, please go here.
Below is a list of all warnings, watches, advisories, and statements that display on the maps and the associated color and color name. Last update: March 10th, 2025.
On March 10th, 2025 this list was per this notice. October 1st, 2024 this list was changed per this notice.
Hazard / Weather Event Definitions can be found at this link |
Priority | Color Sample | Color Name | RGB Color | Hex Code |
Tsunami Warning | 1 | Tomato | 253 99 71 | FD6347 | |
Tornado Warning | 2 | Red | 255 0 0 | FF0000 | |
Extreme Wind Warning | 3 | Darkorange | 255 140 0 | FF8C00 | |
Severe Thunderstorm Warning | 4 | Orange | 255 165 0 | FFA500 | |
Flash Flood Warning | 5 | Darkred | 139 0 0 | 8B0000 | |
Flash Flood Statement | 6 | Darkred | 139 0 0 | 8B0000 | |
Severe Weather Statement | 7 | Aqua | 0 255 255 | 00FFFF | |
Shelter In Place Warning | 8 | Salmon | 250 128 114 | FA8072 | |
Evacuation Immediate | 9 | Chartreuse | 127 255 0 | 7FFF00 | |
Civil Danger Warning | 10 | Lightpink | 255 182 193 | FFB6C1 | |
Nuclear Power Plant Warning | 11 | Indigo | 75 0 130 | 4B0082 | |
Radiological Hazard Warning | 12 | Indigo | 75 0 130 | 4B0082 | |
Hazardous Materials Warning | 13 | Indigo | 75 0 130 | 4B0082 | |
Fire Warning | 14 | Sienna | 160 82 45 | A0522D | |
Civil Emergency Message | 15 | Lightpink | 255 182 193 | FFB6C1 | |
Law Enforcement Warning | 16 | Silver | 192 192 192 | C0C0C0 | |
Storm Surge Warning | 17 | Darkpurple | 181 36 247 | B524F7 | |
Hurricane Force Wind Warning | 18 | Westernred | 205 92 92 | CD5C5C | |
Hurricane Warning | 19 | Crimson | 220 20 60 | DC143C | |
Typhoon Warning | 20 | Crimson | 220 20 60 | DC143C | |
Special Marine Warning | 21 | Orange | 255 165 0 | FFA500 | |
Blizzard Warning | 22 | Orangered | 255 69 0 | FF4500 | |
Snow Squall Warning | 23 | Mediumvioletred | 199 21 133 | C71585 | |
Ice Storm Warning | 24 | Darkmagenta | 139 0 139 | 8B008B | |
Heavy Freezing Spray Warning | 25 | Deepskyblue | 0 191 255 | 00BFFF | |
Winter Storm Warning | 26 | Hotpink | 255 105 180 | FF69B4 | |
Lake Effect Snow Warning | 27 | Darkcyan | 0 139 139 | 008B8B | |
Dust Storm Warning | 28 | Bisque | 255 228 196 | FFE4C4 | |
Blowing Dust Warning | 29 | Bisque | 255 228 196 | FFE4C4 | |
High Wind Warning | 30 | Goldenrod | 218 165 32 | DAA520 | |
Tropical Storm Warning | 31 | Firebrick | 178 34 34 | B22222 | |
Storm Warning | 32 | Darkviolet | 148 0 211 | 9400D3 | |
Tsunami Advisory | 33 | Chocolate | 210 105 30 | D2691E | |
Tsunami Watch | 34 | Fushsia | 255 0 255 | FF00FF | |
Avalanche Warning | 35 | Dodgerblue | 30 144 255 | 1E90FF | |
Earthquake Warning | 36 | Saddlebrown | 139 69 19 | 8B4513 | |
Volcano Warning | 37 | darkslategray | 47 79 79 | 2F4F4F | |
Ashfall Warning | 38 | Darkgray | 169 169 169 | A9A9A9 | |
Flood Warning | 39 | Lime | 0 255 0 | 00FF00 | |
Coastal Flood Warning | 40 | Forestgreen | 34 139 34 | 228B22 | |
Lakeshore Flood Warning | 41 | Forestgreen | 34 139 34 | 228B22 | |
Ashfall Advisory | 42 | Dimgray | 105 105 105 | 696969 | |
High Surf Warning | 43 | Forestgreen | 34 139 34 | 228B22 | |
Extreme Heat Warning | 44 | Mediumvioletred | 199 21 133 | C71585 | |
Tornado Watch | 45 | Yellow | 255 255 0 | FFFF00 | |
Severe Thunderstorm Watch | 46 | Palevioletred | 219 112 147 | DB7093 | |
Flash Flood Watch | 47 | Seagreen | 46 139 87 | 2E8B57 | |
Gale Warning | 48 | Plum | 221 160 221 | DDA0DD | |
Flood Statement | 49 | Lime | 0 255 0 | 00FF00 | |
Extreme Cold Warning | 50 | Blue | 0 0 255 | 0000FF | |
Freeze Warning | 51 | Darkslateblue | 72 61 139 | 483D8B | |
Red Flag Warning | 52 | Deeppink | 255 20 147 | FF1493 | |
Storm Surge Watch | 53 | Lightpurple | 219 127 247 | DB7FF7 | |
Hurricane Watch | 54 | Magenta | 255 0 255 | FF00FF | |
Hurricane Force Wind Watch | 55 | Darkorchid | 153 50 204 | 9932CC | |
Typhoon Watch | 56 | Magenta | 255 0 255 | FF00FF | |
Tropical Storm Watch | 57 | Lightcoral | 240 128 128 | F08080 | |
Storm Watch | 58 | Moccasin | 255 228 181 | FFE4B5 | |
Tropical Cyclone Local Statement | 59 | Moccasin | 255 228 181 | FFE4B5 | |
Winter Weather Advisory | 60 | Mediumslateblue | 123 104 238 | 7B68EE | |
Avalanche Advisory | 61 | Peru | 205 133 63 | CD853F | |
Cold Weather Advisory | 62 | Paleturquoise | 175 238 238 | AFEEEE | |
Heat Advisory | 63 | Coral | 255 127 80 | FF7F50 | |
Flood Advisory | 64 | Springgreen | 0 255 127 | 00FF7F | |
Coastal Flood Advisory | 65 | Lawngreen | 124 252 0 | 7CFC00 | |
Lakeshore Flood Advisory | 66 | Lawngreen | 124 252 0 | 7CFC00 | |
High Surf Advisory | 67 | Mediumorchid | 186 85 211 | BA55D3 | |
Dense Fog Advisory | 68 | Slategray | 112 128 144 | 708090 | |
Dense Smoke Advisory | 69 | Khaki | 240 230 140 | F0E68C | |
Small Craft Advisory | 70 | Thistle | 216 191 216 | D8BFD8 | |
Brisk Wind Advisory | 71 | Thistle | 216 191 216 | D8BFD8 | |
Hazardous Seas Warning | 72 | Thistle | 216 191 216 | D8BFD8 | |
Dust Advisory | 73 | Darkkhaki | 189 183 107 | BDB76B | |
Blowing Dust Advisory | 74 | Darkkhaki | 189 183 107 | BDB76B | |
Lake Wind Advisory | 75 | Tan | 210 180 140 | D2B48C | |
Wind Advisory | 76 | Tan | 210 180 140 | D2B48C | |
Frost Advisory | 77 | Cornflowerblue | 100 149 237 | 6495ED | |
Freezing Fog Advisory | 78 | Teal | 0 128 128 | 008080 | |
Freezing Spray Advisory | 79 | Deepskyblue | 0 191 255 | 00BFFF | |
Low Water Advisory | 80 | Brown | 165 42 42 | A52A2A | |
Local Area Emergency | 81 | Silver | 192 192 192 | C0C0C0 | |
Winter Storm Watch | 82 | Steelblue | 70 130 180 | 4682B4 | |
Rip Current Statement | 83 | Turquoise | 64 224 208 | 40E0D0 | |
Beach Hazards Statement | 84 | Turquoise | 64 224 208 | 40E0D0 | |
Gale Watch | 85 | Pink | 255 192 203 | FFC0CB | |
Avalanche Watch | 86 | Sandybrown | 244 164 96 | F4A460 | |
Hazardous Seas Watch | 87 | Darkslateblue | 72 61 139 | 483D8B | |
Heavy Freezing Spray Watch | 88 | Rosybrown | 188 143 143 | BC8F8F | |
Flood Watch | 89 | Seagreen | 46 139 87 | 2E8B57 | |
Coastal Flood Watch | 90 | Mediumaquamarine | 102 205 170 | 66CDAA | |
Lakeshore Flood Watch | 91 | Mediumaquamarine | 102 205 170 | 66CDAA | |
High Wind Watch | 92 | Darkgoldenrod | 184 134 11 | B8860B | |
Extreme Heat Watch | 93 | Maroon | 128 0 0 | 800000 | |
Extreme Cold Watch | 94 | CadetBlue | 95 158 160 | 5F9EA0 | |
Freeze Watch | 95 | Cyan | 0 255 255 | 00FFFF | |
Fire Weather Watch | 96 | Navajowhite | 255 222 173 | FFDEAD | |
Extreme Fire Danger | 97 | Darksalmon | 233 150 122 | E9967A | |
911 Telephone Outage | 98 | Silver | 192 192 192 | C0C0C0 | |
Coastal Flood Statement | 99 | Olivedrab | 107 142 35 | 6B8E23 | |
Lakeshore Flood Statement | 100 | Olivedrab | 107 142 35 | 6B8E23 | |
Special Weather Statement | 101 | Moccasin | 255 228 181 | FFE4B5 | |
Marine Weather Statement | 102 | Peachpuff | 255 239 213 | FFDAB9 | |
Air Quality Alert | 103 | Gray | 128 128 128 | 808080 | |
Air Stagnation Advisory | 104 | Gray | 128 128 128 | 808080 | |
Hazardous Weather Outlook | 105 | Palegoldenrod | 238 232 170 | EEE8AA | |
Hydrologic Outlook | 106 | Lightgreen | 144 238 144 | 90EE90 | |
Short Term Forecast | 107 | Palegreen | 152 251 152 | 98FB98 | |
Administrative Message | 108 | Silver | 192 192 192 | C0C0C0 | |
Test | 109 | Azure | 240 255 255 | F0FFFF | |
Child Abduction Emergency | 110 | Transparent | 255 255 255 | FFFFFF | |
Blue Alert | 111 | Transparent | 255 255 255 | FFFFFF |