National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce



As part of the Hazard Simplification Project, the NWS conducted a survey that gauged how decision-makers use NWS watches, warnings and advisories. The feedback collected will play an important role in any decisions on how to improve NWS hazard messages.

The Decision-maker Survey assessed the extent to which organizations (at all levels and in various sectors) have formally incorporated watches, warnings and advisories into their decision-making processes via policies, protocols, laws, etc. For instance, the survey ascertained if are there agencies or businesses that have a specific, written policy stipulating that a specific set of actions must or should be carried out if a Blizzard Watch is issued.

Survey answers helped the NWS understand the potential policy impact on various key partners if it significantly changes watches, warnings or advisories, such as altering the meaning or name of a particular watch, warning or advisory.

This survey is no longer open. If you have any questions or comments, please email