National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


During the afternoon of August 8th, 2023, a strong thunderstorm had formed in northeastern Washington county in Colorado. By 4:57pm MDT the thunderstorm had become a supercell and was producing a tornado just a mile and a half south of Highway 34 and a mile west of the Washington/Yuma county lines. The tornado proceeded to move generally southeast while looping in on itself a few times. At the end of its lifecycle, the tornado would try to loop on itself one more time causing it to change its track to move north toward the town of Yuma and increase its wind speed. The tornado would proceed to veer southwest just before town and dissipate around 5:25 pm MDT. The supercell storm would then proceed to move south/southeast across the county producing a few more tornadoes and a Colorado state record hail stone of 5.25 inches on Highway 36 between Kirk and Idalia. A final brief tornado was produced a few miles south of Kanorado.

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