National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce





Monday, March 27th, through Friday, March 31st, has been designated as Severe Weather Awareness Week for the state of Nebraska.  This week provides the National Weather Service with an opportunity to test communication systems and to get potentially lifesaving information to the public.

This page has been created in support of that week, raising severe weather awareness for the state of Nebraska. This page will also serve to provide severe weather information to all citizens across the High Plains. Spring is fast approaching...stay aware and please prepare!

Anytime the threat for severe weather exists, stay updated on the latest weather information by going to the National Weather Service Website,, or by tuning in to NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards, or your local television and radio station.  Make sure to watch for signs for approaching storms, such as darkening skies, increasing winds, flashes of lightning, and thunder.

Safety information can be found at:


To download the Nebraska Winter Weather Awareness Packet, click here!


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