National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
News Headlines
Lightning Safety

Lightning Safety Preparedness Week
Jun 21-27, 2015

Thunderstorm over Silt, Colorado 2002
Photo Courtesy of Jim Evans




National Information
Additional Lightning information courtesy of WFO Pueblo, Colorado

What is Lightning?

Lightning Safety: Protecting Yourself, Your Family and Your Friends from Lightning: In this section, you will find information on:

Yellow ball  Safe locations during a lightning storm 
Yellow Ball  Lightning safety plan of action  
Yellow Ball  Outdoor risk reduction guidelines for individuals, small groups and large groups 
Yellow Ball  First aid for lightning strike victims 
Yellow Ball  If you are caught in the open during a lightning storm 
Yellow Ball  Lightning and the Colorado mountains: camping safety 
Yellow Ball  Lightning and boating 

Lighting Safety: Protecting your Home from Lightning: In this section you will find information, courtesy of the American Meteorological Society, on:

Yellow Ball Protecting your residence from Lightning
Yellow Ball 
Lightning Protection Systems for the home

Lightning Casualty Case Studies in the state of Colorado:  In this section, you will find meteorological case studies of lightning strike victims which occurred in the state of Colorado.

"BOLTS FROM THE BLUE":  The most dangerous type of lightning!

NCAA Lightning Safety Guidlines:

Yellow Ball Coaches, Atheletic Directors, Referees, and parents whose children participate in outdoor atheletic events are strongly encouraged to read this document.

Lightning Statistics: In this section, you will find information on:

Yellow Ball  Lightning injuries/fatalities day by day for Colorado
Yellow Ball  County by county statistics for Colorado
Yellow Ball  Tables and graphs of lightning casualty statistics for Colorado
Yellow Ball  Casualty statistics and lightning strike data for each state in the Nation

Lightning Flash Density maps: In this section, you will find information on:

Yellow Ball  Average number of lightning flashes per day, per month and per year for Colorado
Yellow Ball  Average number of lightning flashes per year for each county in Colorado
Yellow Ball  Average number of lightning flashes over the United States

Lightning Facts and Other Interesting Aspects of Lightning

Lightning Internet Links

Yellow Ball  Safety, Education, Science, etc

Additional Lightning Studies

Other topics:

Where Lightning Strikes - Total Lightning map of the world.

Click on the image below to see the latest LIS image

Total lightning map of the world



  Plane being struck by lightning

 Lightning Striking an Airplane while in flight


  Lightning Striking a building at close range:
    NOTE: This is a video file (4.6mb). Broadband access is recommended  


This internet site is intended to serve as a resource for lightning information for the state of Colorado.  Knowing more about lightning, its causes, and some basic safety rules can help you and your family avoid needless exposure to the dangers of lightning.

We hope that you find this information useful.

Please email your comments, questions, and suggestions to

This page is a part of the Lightning Program at National Weather Service Pueblo 

"I woke last night to the sound of thunder,
How far off I sat and wondered..."

Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band, Night Moves, from the album Nine Tonight